The Lighthouse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 329 pages of information about The Lighthouse.

The Lighthouse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 329 pages of information about The Lighthouse.

“Ay, an’ why not?  What’s the use o’ goin’ to the expense of two houses when one’ll do, an’ when we’re both raither scrimp o’ the ready?  You’ll just let me have the parlour.  It never was a comf’rable room to sit in, so it don’t matter much your givin’ it up; it’s a good enough sleepin’ and smokin’ cabin, an’ we’ll all live together in the kitchen.  I’ll throw the whole of my treemendous income into the general purse, always exceptin’ a few odd coppers, which I’ll retain to keep me a-goin’ in baccy.  We’ll sail under the same flag, an’ sit round the same fire, an’ sup at the same table, and sleep in the same—­no, not exactly that, but under the same roof-tree, which’ll be a more hoconomical way o’ doin’ business, you know; an’ so, old girl, as the song says—­

‘Come an’ let us be happy together,
For where there’s a will there’s a way,
An’ we won’t care a rap for the weather
So long as there’s nothin’ to pay’.”

“Would it not be better to say, ’so long as there’s something to pay?’” suggested Minnie.

“No, lass, it wouldn’t,” retorted the captain.  “You’re too fond of improvin’ things.  I’m a stanch old Tory, I am.  I’ll stick to the old flag till all’s blue.  None o’ your changes or improvements for me.”

This was a rather bold statement for a man to make who improved upon almost every line he ever quoted; but the reader is no doubt acquainted with parallel instances of inconsistency in good men even in the present day.

“Now, sister,” continued Captain Ogilvy, “what d’ye think of my plan?”

“I like it well, brother,” replied Mrs. Brand with a gentle smile.  “Will you come soon?”

“To-morrow, about eight bells,” answered the captain promptly.

This was all that was said on the subject.  The thing was, as the captain said, settled off-hand, and accordingly next morning he conveyed such of his worldly goods as he meant to retain possession of to his sister’s cottage—­“the new ship”, as he styled it.  He carried his traps on his own broad shoulders, and the conveyance of them cost him three distinct trips.

They consisted of a huge sea-chest, an old telescope more than a yard long, and cased in leather; a quadrant, a hammock, with the bedding rolled up in it, a tobacco-box, the enormous old Family Bible in which the names of his father, mother, brothers, and sisters were recorded; and a brown teapot with half a lid.  This latter had belonged to the captain’s mother, and, being fond of it, as it reminded him of the “old ooman”, he was wont to mix his grog in it, and drink the same out of a teacup, the handle of which was gone, and the saucer of which was among the things of the past.

Notwithstanding his avowed adherence to Tory principles, Captain Ogilvy proceeded to make manifold radical changes and surprising improvements in the little parlour, insomuch that when he had completed the task, and led his sister carefully (for she was very feeble) to look at what he had done, she became quite incapable of expressing herself in ordinary language; positively refused to believe her eyes, and never again entered that room, but always spoke of what she had seen as a curious dream!

Project Gutenberg
The Lighthouse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.