Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 261 pages of information about Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations.

Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 261 pages of information about Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations.

Turk, like the, 1974.

Twig is bent, the tree ’s inclin’d, 609.

Twilight, disastrous, sheds, 607.
  fell upon the sea, 1976.
  gray, 1975.

Twins from the birth, 683.

Tyranny of blood and chains, 1979.

Tyrants seem to kiss, 1977.
  ’twixt kings and, 1978.

Unction, flattering, to your soul, 528.

Unfortunate, one more, 1438.

Union, strong and great, 1316.

Unity, confound all, 377.

Urania govern thou my song, 120.

Urn, has filled his, 365.

Use doth breed a habit in a man, 457.
  things beyond all, 1983.

Utter what thou dost not know, 1615.

Vale of years, declined into the, 54.

Valentine, couple with my, 1985.

Valiant never taste of death, 426.

Valor, fear to do base things is, 1986.
  shows but a bastard, 1817.

Vanity, insatiate cormorant, 1987.
  what will not, maintain, 1988.

Vapor, as a, all doth vanish, 1224.
  melting in a tear, 1989.

Variety, order in, 64.

Variety ’s the spice of life, 1990.

Vault, heaven’s ebon, 1991.

Vengeance, in, there is scorn, 1992.
  to God alone belongs, 1501.

Venice, I stood in, 1993.

Ventures, lose our, 453.

Verse, a, may find him, 1348.
  married to immortal, 1844.
  sweetens toil, 1997.

Vessel, a brave, 1674.
  splitting, on the rock, 1675.

Vessels large may venture, 281.

Vice, a, good old-gentlemanly, 133.
  can bolt her arguments, 1999.
  from no one, exempt, 398.
  is a monster, 2000.
  there is no, so simple, 1998.

Victory, graced with wreaths of, 2001.
  it was a famous, 2002.

Villain, a, in all Denmark, 1033.
  one murder made a, 438.
  which is the, 2005.

Villas, suburban, 2004.

Vine, monarch of the, 2006.

Vines that round the thatch-eaves run, 127.

Violet by a mossy stone, 2007.
  throw a perfume on the, 638.

Violets, when sweet, sicken, 2008.

Virginity, hath hurtful power o’er, 797.

Virtue, assume a, 2012.
  calumny will sear, 257.
  may be assailed, 2013.
  starves while vice is fed, 2014.
  that possession would not show us, 1359.

Virtues, their, we write in water, 2011.
  which in parents shine, 81.

Vision, a faery, 356.
  in solemn, 2015.

Visions of glory, 1687.

Visit, annual, o’er the globe, 366.

Voice, her, was ever soft, 2016.

Vows, lovers’, seem sweet, 2018.
  made in pain, 600.
  may be broken, 2017.

Vulcan his office plies, 1061.

Wagers, fools for arguments use, 2019.

Walks abroad, whene’er I take my, 2021.
  echoing, between, 2020.

Project Gutenberg
Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.