Snail, creeping like, 220.
shrinks backward, 1744.
Snails, her feet like, 699.
Snake, we have scotch’d the, 1745.
Snow, a cheer for the, 1747.
in December, 1746.
the, arrives, 1748.
Snow-drop, the, comes on, 1749.
Snuff, he only took, 1750.
prevent your ladyship from taking, 1751.
Society became my glittering bride, 1753.
man in, is like a flower, 1752.
one polished horde, 209.
Softness and attractive grace, 397.
Soldier, full of oaths, 1754.
he would have been a, 1755.
shall I ask the brave, 436.
the broken, 1756.
thou more than, 1757.
Soles, let firm, protect thy feet, 1677.
Solid men of Boston, 212.
Solitude sometimes is society, 1758.
where are the charms, 1759.
Son, a booby, 1763.
no, of mine succeeding, 1762.
Song, dear to gods and men is sacred, 1766.
forbids deeds to die, 1712.
higher than the perfect, 1888.
moralized his, 1765.
one immortal, 1764.
still govern thou my, 120.
Sonnet, scorn not the, 1767.
Sons and brothers at a strife, 399.
of France, awake to glory, 807.
Sorrow comes too soon, 1770.
give, words, 1768.
hang, 270.
one, never comes, 1769.
Sorrow’s crown of sorrow, 1771.
Sorrows, tell all thy, 379.
Sots, what can ennoble, 82.
Soul, bruised with adversity, 38.
Charoba once possest, 263.
discontented with capacity, 263.
flow of, 219.
he shall not blind his, 338.
is as free as the stars, 1639.
that rises with us, 178.
the depth of the, 1774.
the sleepless, 301.
whither went his, 1772.
Soul’s, the, prerogative, 1773.
Souls, two, with but a single thought, 1981.
Sound must seem an echo, 1775.
Source of being, hail, 522.
Spain, lovely, 1776.
Sparrow, providence in the fall of a, 1398.
Speak, know when to, 42.
Spear, to equal the tallest pine, 1777.
Speculation in those eyes, 795.
Speech is but broken light, 1779.
rude in my, 1778.
Spenser, fancy’s pleasing son, 1780.
Spires, whose finger points to heaven, 1781.
Spirit, the strongest, that fought in heaven, 539.
Spirits from the vasty deep, 1782.
Splendor in the grass, 1784.
Spring, come, gentle, 1787.
first, like infancy, 1610.
in the, a livelier iris, 1786.
of love resembleth, 1980.
there’s no such season, 1788.
Springe, she sets, a, 407.
Spur, I have no, 75.
to prick us to redress, 1458.
Stage, all the world’s a, 1789.
Star, constant as the northern, 394.
looks forth alone, 1793.