Shell, applying to his ear a, 1666.
Shelley, did you once see, 1667.
Shells, picking up, by the ocean, 1251.
Shepherd, every, tells his tale, 880.
Sheridan, hurrah for, 1796.
nature formed but one such man, 1668.
Ship, as idle as a painted, 1673.
has weathered every rack, 264.
of State, 1316.
steer a, becalmed, 828.
Ships have gone down at sea, 1941.
Shore, a rapture on the lonely, 1679.
left their beauty on the, 1678.
Shot, bounding at the, 1785.
heard round the world, 239.
Show and gaze o’ the time, 1681.
books and money placed for, 1682.
Shriek, a solitary, 62.
Shrine, a faith’s pure, 1683.
Sickness, this, doth infect, 1684.
Sighs, a world of, 1685.
Sight, it is a goodly, 1688.
lost to, to memory dear, 7.
O loss of, 187.
Silence bewrays more woe, 1691.
deep as death, 1694.
is the herald of joy, 1690.
more musical than song, 1692.
was pleased, 1693.
where hath been no sound, 1695.
Silver, moon that tips with, 1696
Simplicity, in his, sublime, 1699.
simple truth miscalled, 1698.
Sin, cut off in my, 1700.
I waive the quantum o’ the, 1704.
in lashing, 1702.
one, another doth provoke, 1701.
the good man’s, 1703.
Sincerity, showed bashful, 1706.
Sing because I must, 1711.
seraph, poet, 1709.
Singing, all my heart in my, 1710.
Singularity, all have some darling, 1713.
Sins they are inclined to, 1705.
Sister, when I was but your, 1714.
Skill, simple truth his utmost, 1715.
Skin not colored like his own, 1723.
Sky, souls are ripened in our northern, 1717.
the, is changed, 1718.
the, is overcast, 1884.
Slackness breeds worms, 250.
Slander, foulest whelp of sin, 1721.
sharper than the sword, 1720.
Slave, this yellow, 1207.
thou art a, 1722.
whatever day makes man a, 1725.
Sleep hath its own world, 1731.
he giveth his beloved, 1733.
life is rounded with a, 1727.
O magic, 1730.
silent as night, 1734.
that knits up the ravelled sleave of care,
that knows not breaking, 1732.
the poor man’s wealth, 1728.
tired nature’s sweet restorer, 1729.
will bring thee dreams, 1735.
Slime that sticks on filthy deeds, 921.
Sloth views the towers of Fame, 1736.
Sluggard, ’t is the voice of the, 1737.
Smile, and be a villain, 1738.
Death grinned a ghastly, 1740.
from partial beauty won, 1741.
that was childlike and bland, 1739.
the good man’s, 1742.
Smiles, the tears, of boyhood’s years, 221.
Smoke that so gracefully curled, 1748.