Courtesy, that fine sense which men call, 420.
Courtier, not a, hath a heart, 418.
Coward, call him a slanderous, 521.
never on himself relies, 428.
Cowards, common men are, 1513.
conscience does make, 386.
die many times, 426.
Cowslips wan, 429.
Coxcombs, some made, 430.
vanquish Berkeley, 431.
Crack of doom, 577.
Cradle of reposing age, 432.
Cradles rock us nearer to the tomb, 179.
Creation sleeps, 434.
Creatures, millions of spiritual, 1783.
Credit, blest paper, 435.
Cricket, thou winter, 12.
Critical, I am nothing if not, 439.
Critics I saw, that names deface, 440.
Crocus, the yellow, 321.
Cromwell, damned to everlasting fame, 671.
our chief of men, 441.
Cross, the, leads generations on, 442.
Crown, a fruitless, 444.
I give away my, 3.
likeness of a kingly, 445.
Crutch, shoulders his, 707.
Cupid is a casuist, 448.
is painted blind, 447.
Cure for life’s ills, 449.
Curfew tolls the knell, 450.
Curiosity, that low vice, 451.
Curls, shakes his ambrosial, 452.
Current, take the, when it serves, 453.
Curs, like to village, bark, 1200.
Curses, mouth-honor, breath, 455.
Custom calls me to it, 458.
that monster, 459.
Cut, unkindest, of all, 1982.
Cygnet to this pale faint swan, 754.
Daffadills, we weep to see, 461.
Dagger, is this a, 462.
of the mind, 462.
Daisy’s cheek is tipped, 463.
Dame, he that would win his, 423.
Dames of ancient days, 466.
Damn with faint praise, 1369.
Damnation, deal, round the land, 464.
Damned use that word in hell, 139.
Damsel, a, lay deploring, 1608.
with a dulcimer, 465.
Dance, on with the, 469.
the Pyrrhic, 470.
Danger, out of this nettle, 472.
shape of, 473.
Dante of the dread Inferno, 474.
Dare do all that may become a man, 475.
Darkness, all day the, 532.
bends down like a mother, 477.
the instruments of, 1885.
universal, buries all, 478.
visible, no light but, 895.
Darling of the April rain, 2009.
Daughter of the voice of God, 593.
still harping on my, 480.
Day, at the close of the, 485.
begins to break, 483.
each, critique on the last, 260.
is done, 632.
it is a sultry, 1819.
the kingly, 1828.
Days are in the yellow leaf, 486.
heavenly, that cannot die, 487.
Days, nor mourn the unalterable, 791.
our, begin with trouble, 500.
thirty, hath September, 1211.