Clime, cold in, are cold in blood, 352.
Climes beyond the western main, 342.
Cloake, take thine old, 343.
Clock worn out, 844.
Cloud that’s dragonish, 1689.
Clouds are angels’ robes, 348.
heavy with storms, 346.
hooded, like friars, 150.
on the western side, 347.
trailing, of glory, 743.
Clown, thou art mated with a, 953.
Coach, go call a, 349.
Cock, the early village, 350.
Coincidence, a strange, 351.
Cold, ’t is bitter, 353.
Coliseum, while stands the, 354.
Colossus, like a, 355.
Columbia, to glory arise, 357.
Column, where London’s, 358.
Combat, the, deepens, 359.
Comfort comes too late, 361.
Commandments, set my ten, 362.
Commentators each dark passage shun, 363.
Communion with the skies, 365.
Companions, I have had, 311.
Compass, I mind my, 369.
Complexion, mislike me not for my, 372.
Compulsion, sweet, in music, 373.
Concealment, like a worm, 374.
Conceit in weakest bodies strongest works, 375.
lies in his hamstring, 27.
what are they in their, 249.
Conclusion, a foregone, 376.
Condition is not the thing, 188.
Conflict, dire was the noise of, 381.
more fierce the, grew, 147.
through the heat of, 256.
Confusion on thy banners wait, 382.
worse confounded, 383.
Conquerors that war against your own affections, 1626.
Conquest’s crimson wing, 385.
Conscience does make cowards, 386.
into what abyss, 387.
of the king, 1341.
the, rarely gnaws, 388.
Conscious stone to beauty grew, 247.
Consideration like an angel came, 389.
Consistency wuz a part of his plan, 391.
Consolation, grief is crowned with, 390.
Conspiracies no sooner should be formed, 393.
Constancy lives in realms above, 395.
Consummation devoutly to be wished, 396.
Consumption’s ghastly form, 493.
Contemplation and valor formed, 397.
Contempt, contemptible to shun, 398.
Content can soothe, 401.
commends me to mine own, 400.
Contest, great, follows, 403.
Convents bosomed deep in vines, 2.
Conversation, in, boldness bears sway, 199.
skill of, lies in, 404.
Copse, near yonder, 340.
Corruption is a tree, 408.
mining all within, 528.
shall deluge all, 409.
Counsel, bosom up my, 410.
Countenance will change to virtue, 1357.
Country, God made the, 1937.
left our, for our country’s good,
my, ’tis of thee, 1315.
the undiscovered, 217.
Court melted into one whisper, 1580.