Blood, a drop of manly, 191.
flesh and, so cheap, 229.
is a juice of special kind, 192.
when the, burns, 190.
Boat, swiftly glides the bonnie, 198.
Body, upon my burned, 598.
Bond, I’ll have my, 200.
Bones, come to lay his, among ye, 56.
cursed be he that moves my, 201.
flesh hacked from, 709.
rattle his, over the stones 202.
thy, are marrowless, 795.
Book, a, O rare one, 203.
Books are a world, 206.
cannot always please, 205.
deep versed in, 207.
in the running brooks, 37.
many, are wearisome, 1439.
some, are lies, 208.
the best companions, 204.
Bore, sound that ushers in a, 210.
Bores and bored, the, 209.
Borrower, neither a, nor a lender be, 211.
Borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry, 211.
Boston, solid men of, 212.
Bound, there ’s nothing but hath his, 214.
Bounty, large was his, 216.
no winter in ’t, 215.
Bourn no traveller returns, 777.
Bowers, lodged in thy living, 1952.
Boys, scrambling, outfacing, fashion-monging, 223.
Braes, we twa hae run about the, 222.
Brains, steal away their, 587.
when the, were out, 224.
Branch, cut is the, 213.
Brave deserves the fair, 226.
how sleep the, 227.
more, to live, 225.
on, ye, 359.
Bravest are the tenderest, 476.
Breach, once more unto the, 228
Bread, crammed with distressful, 1490.
should be so dear, 229.
Breast, calm the troubled, 231.
Breath, good man yields his, 232.
Breeches are so queer, 233.
Breezes of the South, 234.
Brevity is very good, 236.
the soul of wit, 235.
Bride in her bloom, 238.
Bridge of sighs, 1993.
that arched the flood, 239.
Brook, a, comes stealing, 240.
Brookside, I wandered by the, 2041.
Brother, be not over-exquisite, 90.
Bubbles, the earth hath, 243.
Bucket, old oaken, 244.
Bud is on the bough, 245.
Bugle, blow, 246.
Bully, like a tall, 358.
Buttercups, the children’s dower, 251.
Butterfly, a mere court, 419.
I’d be a, 218.
Caesar, dead and turned to clay, 253.
the word of, 253.
Calamity, thou art wedded to, 255.
Caledonia, stern and wild, 1052.
Calendar, accursed in the, 454.
Caliban, sweet eyes at, 407.
Calumny will sear Virtue, 257.
Camel to thread a needle’s eye, 550.
Candle, did not see the, 367.
hold their farthing, 363.
throws his beams, 259.
Cannons spit forth their indignation, 261.
Canteen, we have drunk from the same, 756.