Sea and Shore eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 343 pages of information about Sea and Shore.

Sea and Shore eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 343 pages of information about Sea and Shore.
adapted to suit all who love to read good books, as well as for all General reading, and they will be found for sale by all Booksellers, and at Hotel Stands, Railroad Stations and in the Cars.  They are in fact the most popular series of works of fiction ever published, retailing at 25 cents, 50 cents, 75 cents, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, and $2.00 each, as they comprise the writings of the best and most popular authors in the world, all of which will be sold by us to the trade at very low prices, and also at retail to everybody.  Send for a Catalogue of these books at once.

New books are issued by us every week, comprising the best and most entertaining works published, suitable for the Parlor, Library, Sitting-Room, Railroad or Steamboat reading, and are written by the most popular and best writers in the world.

Enclose a draft for five, ten, twenty, fifty, or one hundred dollars, or more, to us in a letter, and write for what books you wish, and on receipt of the money, or a satisfactory reference, the books will be packed and sent to you at once, in any way you may direct, with circulars and show-bills of the books to post up.

We want every Bookseller, and every News Agent, everywhere, to sell our books, and to keep an assortment of them on hand, and to send to us at once for a copy of our New Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue, which look over carefully, marking what books you may want, as it contains a list of all books published by us, all or any of which will be sold by us to everybody in the Book Trade, to Booksellers, or to News Agents, at very low rates.  There are no books published you can sell as many of, or make as much money on, as Petersons’.  Send us on a trial order.  All orders, large or small, will be sent the day the order is received, and small orders will receive the same promptness and care as large orders.

All Books named in Petersons’ Catalogue will be found for sale by all Booksellers, or copies of any one book, or more, or all of them, will be sent to any one, at once, to any place, per mail, post-paid, or free of freight, on remitting the retail price of the books wanted to T.B.  PETERSON & BROTHERS, Philadelphia.

WANTED—­A Bookseller, News Agent, or Canvasser, in every city, town or village on this Continent, to engage in the sale of Petersons’ New and Popular Fast Selling Books, on which large sales, and large profits can be made.

Booksellers, Librarians, News Agents, Canvassers, Pedlers, and all other persons, who may want any of Petersons’ Popular and Fast Selling Books, will please address their orders and letters, at once, to meet with immediate attention, to


Project Gutenberg
Sea and Shore from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.