Proposals for Building, In Every County, A Working-Alms-House or Hospital eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 29 pages of information about Proposals for Building, In Every County, A Working-Alms-House or Hospital.

Proposals for Building, In Every County, A Working-Alms-House or Hospital eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 29 pages of information about Proposals for Building, In Every County, A Working-Alms-House or Hospital.
Farmer cannot live) as at 2 s. 6 d. but because all people in the Nation that have occasion, must buy of the Land-Occupiers at the same time when it is scarce?  But by such general Granaries the hopes of 4 s. per Bushel will be banisht the Markets; but in our case painful Husbandry, that ancient Employment may well allow Granaries, both because this Manufactory and Design eases their Charge to the poor, and is of more advantage to the Publick, than some 20 Trades besides; and particularly, because it helps to improve their Lands by Flax and Hemp, that now they need not so much relie upon Corn for raising their Rent:  Besides, if other other overstockt Trades want Bread, let them quit their Station, and come to Weaving, and then they may enjoy the benefit of these Granaries, also.

2.  That the Maiden-Children brought up in this Corporation, may after they attain to the Age of 15 Years, or other fit time, be permitted to go forth to Service to learn good Huswifry, and the Lads to Husbandry or Trades, if they think fit; nor will there be need of so great caution to prevent the Marriages of the meaner sort, since now the Parishes need not so much fear a Charge, knowing a means how to employ all their Children as fast as they come to be five or six Years old; nor can a young man have better choice for a Wife than here, amongst so many, all bred up industriously under strict Discipline, and in a way to live; And therefore this Method will be so far from causing any depopulation, that it may encrease our Inhabitants; and the more, the better, since we know how to dispose of them in such laudable Employments:  Moreover, hereby the distracting cares of poor honest Parents, oft occasioned by a foresight of their incapacity to provide for their Children, will be removed; so that they may pass their time in peace, knowing that a good honest comfortable Employment and Education is provided for their Children, and their Childrens Children; nor may this less remove the Temptations both in Parents and Children, which cause them to be guilty of such Misdemeanors as sometimes bring them to the Gallows; so that the Expedients offered for the accomplishing this Manufactory, will produce a happy change in the whole Nation, viz. no more want of Work or Bread for the poor, no more Parishes oppressed, no more Beggars, a great abatement of Felons, Thieves, Cheats, Nurses of Debauchery, _&c._ many Lives preserved, and (which is an hundred thousand times more than all the rest) many Souls saved:  Much more might be said in this case, to set forth the excellence of this Design, but I leave it as a work more deserving the skill of the most Learned and Godly Divine, and shall only add,

In order to that last mentioned incomparable end, and for the better Education and Instruction of this great Family, That there may be placed in each House an Able, Honest, Godly Minister, of a good, peaceable, kind disposition and exemplary Conversation; that so no means may be wanting for promoting Gods Glory and their Edification:  To which purpose, on Holidays and other spare times, all or the most docible part of the People train’d up here, may likewise be taught to read, _&c._

Project Gutenberg
Proposals for Building, In Every County, A Working-Alms-House or Hospital from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.