Suppose every Parish, one with another, throughout the Nation, relieves as many poor People, Beggars, _&c._ as doth amount to 12 d. in the Pound, so that every 100 l. per Annum, pays 5l. per Annum to the poor; Now if every 100 l. per Annum, pay 5 l. towards Building such Hospital, then whereas more than half their poor consists of Children, Women, and decrepit weak persons, unfit for any other Employment, but such as may fitly be removed to this Hospital; it follows, more than half their Charge will for the future be abated; yea, many Parishes have scarce any poor to provide for.
Wherefore as for raising Money, we will take our measures thus; In England there are commonly accounted 9725 Parishes, and 52 Counties; so that one with another, there are 187 Parishes to each County, and each Parish supposed to be worth 1500 l. per Annum (some more, some less) at the Rate of 12 d. per Pound, it will amount to the Sum of 14025 l. in each County, which undoubtedly will compleat the House and Materials.
Obj. 3. But this Method will not hold, because one County hath not so many Parishes as another.
Answ. It matters not; Let each County build proportionally to their Money as it will arise at 12 d. per Pound, we doubt not but it will be sufficient.
Obj. 4. It may further be Objected as impossible, That the Spinning Engine should turn to account, because as oft as one Spinner has occasion to stop, all the rest must be idle; and again, since every Wheel hath its motion alike, and several Spinners work some faster, some slower, therefore all considered, this Project will make but a Confusion.
Answ. To this I reply; Any one may stop, and the rest work on, and also may vary the motion of each Spinning Instrument, so as the nimblest and the slowest may have their desire: Nor may these Instruments be contemned, since they are as cheap as the other, and so ordered that the Spinners may sit or stand when they please; which doubtless will be a good conveniency.
The Invention of these Engines is wholly mine, and if they prove effectual, I hope I shall not be deprived of receiving some benefit thereof; because I am so free, as in effect to discover it beforehand. However, I submit to what the Pleasure of Authority shall allow; And to the intent these Hospitals may never fail of encouragement, that the Invention may be for ever secured to them, and prohibited to all others, so that the same may be improved only for their benefit, and private persons not take the advantage thereof to the prejudice of this our pious and necessary Design: I doubt not but many will say, Tush! this is easie; any body may invent such things as these.—Thus the Industry of one is gratified with the contempt of others: Howbeit I leave it with all humble submission to the grave Wisdom aforesaid, to consider,