Proposals for Building, In Every County, A Working-Alms-House or Hospital eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 29 pages of information about Proposals for Building, In Every County, A Working-Alms-House or Hospital.

Proposals for Building, In Every County, A Working-Alms-House or Hospital eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 29 pages of information about Proposals for Building, In Every County, A Working-Alms-House or Hospital.

Obj. If you intend these Hospitals for the Imployment of such as have Families of their own to maintain, the business will be confused and Impracticable.

Answ. Possibly so, at least, in some respects and circumstances; but that was never intended, the main design of these Hospitals being only for the relief of all oppressed Parents, families, and Parishes, by taking off their young Children, and single people, who have neither Habitation, nor Parish willing to receive them, there to be comfortably maintain’d, well educated and instructed in all good manners towards God and Man; Nor are any of them to be confin’d to this House longer than untill they can well earn their Livings by other means; unless it be such as are committed as persons deserving perpetual or temporary Confinement, which is far better than to Hang or Transport, except it be for Capital Crimes.

The second Benefit aimed at, is the procuring the most Fine and curious Cloth, as well as quantities sufficient of Courser, for Domestick and Foreign Trade, to be obtained with great expedition:  For so it is, That when so many are imploy’d in sight of each other (especially, where incouragement is given, and good Discipline maintain’d) the strife of all, both small and great, will be to excell each other, both in quantity and curiosity of Work.

Obj. This Manufactory being thus incouraged, a considerable part of His Majesties Revenue now arising by Custom for Linnen Cloth will be diminished.

Answ. I humbly Answer, That the same may be easily compensated another way, it being (with all submission) conceived, That it would be happy for this Kingdom, if an Imposition of 12 d. per quart more than now is, were to be paid for all French-Wine and Brandy; As also 5 s. in the Pound for all Hemp, Flax, and Linnen, that is Imported.

’Tis possible some may suppose, that my being thus intent and tedious, is only an itch of Fame; but I can justly assure the World, I am so far from any such contemptible Vanity, That I am rather a beggar for the Poor and Distressed, and for their sakes, would imitate the importunate Widow, in the 18th of St. Luke’s Gospel, who obtain’d her request meerly for the sake of her Importunity; only this difference there is, Her suit was for Revenge, Mine for an Act of Charity; she made her suit to such a Judge as neither feared God, nor regarded man; but my humble, though earnest suit is, To the Most Christian King, a Defender of the Faith; as also to the Great Wisdom of a Christian Nation, all which strengthens my hopes, that I shall not be more unfortunate than was that importunate Widow.

Project Gutenberg
Proposals for Building, In Every County, A Working-Alms-House or Hospital from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.