#Club Notes.#
At the suggestion of several subscribers, the addresses are given below of the secretaries of the principal architectural clubs as far as they are known to us, but there are several omissions and possibly some mistakes. In order that these associations may be of as great mutual assistance to each other as possible, through correspondence, the exchange of notices of competitions, etc., it is requested that any not included in the following list will communicate the desired information to the editor of the Brochure series. Corrections or additions will be made in later issues, and the various secretaries will confer a favor by keeping the editor informed of any changes of address or organization.
Sketch Club of New York, club rooms 1473 Broadway; recording secretary, Alfred F. Evans; corresponding secretary, Hobart A. Walker.
Boston Architectural Club, rooms 5 Tremont Place; secretary, F. Manton Wakefield.
The T-Square Club, Philadelphia, rooms Broad and Pine Streets; secretary, A.C. Munoz, 212 South Third Street.
Chicago Architectural Club, rooms 274 Michigan Avenue; secretary, John Robert Dillon.
St. Louis Sketch Club; secretary, E.G. Garden, Telephone Building.
Art League, Milwaukee, Wis.; secretary, Elmer Grey, 904 Winchester Street.
St. Paul Architectural Sketch Club, rooms 239-241 Endicott Building; secretary, John Rachac, Jr.
Cleveland Architectural Club, rooms 1002 Garfield Building; secretary, Herbert B. Briggs.