The Framework of Home Rule eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 480 pages of information about The Framework of Home Rule.

The Framework of Home Rule eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 480 pages of information about The Framework of Home Rule.

Imperial Federation, 204-205
“In and Out” Clause, 209
Income Tax,
  first imposition of, in Ireland, 234-235;
  assessment to, as test of taxable capacity, 240, 258;
  yield of, in Ireland, 275-276;
  errors in computing Irish yield, 278 (footnote)
India, 12
Indians, in America, 10
Industrial Development Associations, 165, 168, 290, 292
Insurance, National, 178, 274, 306
International Copyright Act, 1886, 220 (footnote)
Ireland Development Grant, 311
Irish Agricultural Organization Society, 162-165
Irish Council Bill, 1907, 192, 304
Irish Homestead, 165
Irish Members at Westminster.  See Representation at Westminster
Irish Universities Act, 1908, 153, 173
Isle of Man, finance of, 255, 288
Jamaica, 1, 284
James, Sir Henry, 330
Jebb, Richard, 117-118
Johannesburg, 131, 133
Judges, Irish, under Home Rule, 334-5;
  Exchequer Judges, 336
Judicial salaries, Ireland, 273

Kilmore, 114
Kitchener, Lord, 129
Kruger, President Paul, 124
Kyte, Ambrose, 114

Labourers (Ireland) Act, 1906, 153, 320
Labour questions, in Ireland, 170, 178
Lafontaine, Sir Louis, 103
Laing’s Nek, 125
Lalor, Peter, 112-113
Land Acts, Irish, of 1870, 16-17, 68, 70-71, 151, 309;
  1881, 16-17, 70, 103, 151, 309;
  1885, 309;
  1887, 70, 151;
  1891, 70, 152, 309-310;
  1896, 70, 152, 309;
  1903, 71, 103, 152-153, 155, 310-321;
  1909, 153, 311-321. 
  See also Land Tenure, Land Purchase
Land Commission, 70;
  cost and control of, 273, 303, 317-319
Land League, 70
Land Purchase in Ireland, Chapter XIV., 71, 151, 152-153, 177, 243, 285, 337;
  in Prince Edward Island, 75, 318
Land Tenure, in Ireland, 11-17, 51, 55-57, 65, 66-70, 143, 151-152,
                         177, 236-237;
  in America, 10, 15;
  in Prince Edward Island, 13, 75-76, 115, 143;
  in Upper Canada, 80;
  in Lower Canada, 84-85;
  in Australia, 115-116;
  in New Zealand, 116. 
  See also Land Acts, Land Purchase
Lanyon, Sir Owen, 124, 127
Law, Bonar, 293
Law Courts, Ireland, 334-335
Lecky, Professor W.H., Introduction, vi and ix, and 6, 13, 16, 19,
          29, 49, 57, 183
Legislative Councils, in America, 23;
  in Upper Canada, 79, 81, 100-102;
  in Lower Canada, 79, 84, 100
Legislature, Irish, powers of, general, 213-229, 328-330;
  financial powers, Chapter XIII., and 317-321, 337;
  composition of, 330-334. 
  For restrictions on, see also Safeguards for Minorities
Legislatures, Colonial, powers and limitations of, general, 215-229. 
  See also Constitutions, Federal Systems, and under names of Colonies
Leinster, plantations in, 9
Lieutenant-Governors, in Dominion of Canada, 195, 221
Limerick, Treaty of, 12, 63
Local Government Board, cost of, 272
Local Government, working of, in Ireland, 103, 172-174

Project Gutenberg
The Framework of Home Rule from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.