Fitzgibbon, Earl of Clare, Introduction, xi, and 49, 58-9, 60, 62, 65,
97, 126, 131, 134, 146
Fitzgibbon, James, 81
Fitzwilliam, Lord, 53-54
Flood, Henry, 46-47
Ford, Patrick, 149
Fortescue, Hon. J.W., 39-40
Foster’s Corn Law, 51, 236 (footnote)
Fox, Charles James,
on Canada, 78-79;
on Ireland, 91
France, Seven Years’ War with, 26;
in Canada, 72-73;
in American War of Independence, 35;
effect of, on Ireland, 35;
effect of French Revolution on Ireland, 54-55;
invasions of Ireland, 56
Franklin, Benjamin, 31, 33-34
Free Trade, opinion in Ireland on, 170, 290;
influence of, on Ireland, 235-237.
See also Tariff Reform, Customs and Excise
French-Canadians. See Chapter V., especially pages 72-78, 83-87, 96-97;
also 121
Frere, Sir Bartle, 124
Gaelic League, 166-168
Geelong, 114
Georgia, 9, 21
Germany, 147;
Federal Constitution of, 195, 228 (Zollverein)
Gladstone, W.E.,
Irish land reform, 68, 70, 99;
on colonial liberty, 109-111;
his Transvaal and Irish policies, 125,
on representation of Ireland at Westminster,
taxation of Ireland, 234-235;
on Irish expenditure, 282;
financial schemes in the Home Rule Bills
of 1886 and 1893, 300-303,
for details of the Bills generally, see
Appendix and in the text passim
Gourlay, William, in Upper Canada, 82
in American Colonies, 23, 33;
in the Canadas, 79, 102;
in the Dominion of Canada, 195, 199;
in the Commonwealth of Australia, 195
(footnote), 196, 221
Grattan, Henry, 44, 45, 46, 50, 53
Grattan’s Parliament, Chapter III.
Greene, General, 40
Greville’s “Memoirs,” 94, 103
Grey, Sir George, in Australasia, 115-117;
in South Africa, 123-124, 194
Grote, George, 89, 92
Guarantee Fund, 267. See also Land Purchase
Guaranteed Loans,
to Ireland (see Land Purchase);
to the Transvaal and Canada, 318;
to Crown Colonies and Foreign Powers,
Habeas Corpus Act, 330
Hamilton, Sir Edward, 238
Hancock, John, 35
Henderson, Professor G.C., 116
Henry VIII., Ireland in the reign of, 8
Hewins, Professor W.A.S., 293-294
Holland, Bernard, 33
Home Rule Bills of 1886 and 1893.
For details, see Appendix, allusions in
text passim
“Home Rule Problems,” edited by
Basil Williams, Introduction, xiv,
and pp. 178, 203, 307, 333
House of Lords: under the Union, 64;
after Home Rule, 212, 229, 300
Howe, Joseph, in Nova Scotia, 88
Hume, philosophy of, 59
Hume, Joseph, 89, 90, 109
Hyde, Dr. Douglas, 166