The Framework of Home Rule eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 480 pages of information about The Framework of Home Rule.

The Framework of Home Rule eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 480 pages of information about The Framework of Home Rule.
  founding of, 155-162;
  allusions to, 234, 274, 291, 332
Derby, Lord, 123
Derry, Bishop of, 47
Development Commissioners, grants to Ireland, 274
Devolution movement, 152
Devon Commission, 1845, 69
Dillon, John, 146
Disagreement between two Chambers of Irish Legislature, 334
Disestablishment of Irish Church, 70, 103, 154
Disraeli, Benjamin, 109, 235
Dissenters, in Ireland, 9, 19-20, 24, 31;
  in American Colonies, 9, 20;
  in Canada, 80-82
Dublin, 170, 173, 186
Duffy, Sir C. Gavan, 114-116
Dunraven, Lord, 152, 178
Durban, Conference at, for Closer Union, 156-157, 192
Durham, Lord, Introduction, viii, 88-91, 94-99, 104, 126
Durham Report, 94-99, 104, 133
Dutch East India Company, 120

Education, Ireland, 71, 170, 174-176, 285;
  finance of, 268-269;
  England, 269;
  Scotland, 269
Egerton, H.E., 31, 330
Elgin, Lord, 93, 102-103, 105
Emancipation, Catholic, 52-53, 57, 62-63, 88
Emigration, from Ireland, 19-20, 31, 87, 111, 148, 156, 186
Emmett, Robert, 83, 86, 135, 171
Encumbered Estates Act, 1849, 69, 111
Equalization of taxes, in Ireland and Great Britain, 234-235, 246
Estate duties, assessment to,
  as test of taxable capacity, 240, 238;
  yield of, in Ireland, 275-276
Estates Commissioners.  See Land Purchase
Eureka Stockade, 1854, 112-113
Evicted tenants, 177
Executive authority,
  in Colonies, 221-222, 323-328;
  in Ireland, under Home Rule, 221-222, 323-328
Executive Council,
  in Upper Canada, 79, 81, 100;
  in Lower Canada, 79, 84, 100
  Colonial powers over, 219 (and footnote);
  Irish powers over, 219, 329

“Family Compact,”
  in Upper Canada, 81;
  in the Maritime Provinces, 88
Famine, Irish, 1847, 69, 103, 236
Farrer, Lord, 249, 252-256
“Federal” Home Rule, 188, 192-206, 226-227, 294-300
Federal systems, in general, 192-197;
  Upper Chamber in, 212-213, 229, 300, 331-332;
  division of powers, as in Home Rule Bill, 223, 330;
  Amendment of Constitution, 225-227;
  finance, 227-229, 242-246, 294-300;
  judiciary, 334-336;
  settlement of constitutional questions, 335. 
  See also Canada, Australian Colonies, South Africa, United States,
           Switzerland, Germany, Constitutions
Fenianism, 70
Financial relations of Ireland and Great Britain
  (see Chapters XI., XII., XIII.);
  before the Union, 230-231, 290;
  from the Union to 1896, 232-57;
  Royal Commission on, 1894-1896, 239-57;
  present situation, 178-181, and Chapters XII. and XIII. 
Finance, of the Home Rule Bill, Chapter XIII., and summary, 337
Finance, Colonial.  See Federal Systems, and under names of Colonies
Finance Act, 1894, 222 (footnote)
Finance Act, 1909, 259, 301
Finlay, Father T.A., 165
Fiscal amalgamation, 1817, 233, 289
Fisher, J., author of “The End of the Irish

Project Gutenberg
The Framework of Home Rule from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.