[Footnote 42: Everard, “Some Gospel Treasures Opened,” p. 555]
[Footnote 43: Canor Dulcor, Canor; cf. Rolle: “The Fire of Love,” Bk. 1, Cap. 14]
[Footnote 44: Rolle: “The Mending of Life,” Cap. XII.]
[Footnote 45: Benedetto Croce: “Theory and History of Historiography,” trans. by Douglas Ainslie, p. 25.]
[Footnote 46: “Donne’s Sermons,” p. 236.]
[Footnote 47: B.H. Streeter, in “The Spirit,” p. 349 seq.]
[Footnote 48: “Autobiography of Maharishi Devendranath Tagore,” Cap. 23.]
[Footnote 49: R.A. Nicholson: “Studies in Islamic Mysticism,” Cap. i.]
[Footnote 50: Baron von Huegel In the “Hibbert Journal,” July, 1921.]
[Footnote 51: Ruysbroeck: “The Sparkling Stone,” Cap. 10.]
[Footnote 52: Ruysbroeck: “The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage,” Bk. II, Cap. 39.]
[Footnote 53: R. of St. Victor: “De Quatuor Gradibus Violentae Charitatis” (Migne, Pat. Lat.) T. 196, Col. 1216.]
[Footnote 54: “Summa Contra Gentiles,” Bk. III, Cap. 21.]
[Footnote 55: J.E. Shorthouse: “John Inglesant,” Cap. 19.]
[Footnote 56: Cf. Delatte: “The Rule of St. Benedict”; and C. Butler: “Benedictine Monachism.”]
[Footnote 57: R.A. Nicholson: “Studies in Islamic Mysticism,” Cap. 1.]
[Footnote 58: “One Hundred Poems of Kabir,” p. 44.]
[Footnote 59: Boehme: “Six Theosophic Points,” p. 111.]
[Footnote 60: Cf. Von Huegel: “The Mystical Element of Religion,” Vol. I, Pt. II.]
[Footnote 61: McGovern: “An Introduction to Mahayana Buddhism,” p. 175.]
Having interrogated history in our attempt to discover the essential character of the life of the Spirit, wherever it is found, we are now to see what psychology has to tell us or hint to us of its nature; and of the relation in which it stands to the mechanism of our psychic life. It is hardly necessary to say that such an inquiry, fully carried out, would be a life-work. Moreover, it is an inquiry which we are not yet in a position to undertake. True, more and more material is daily becoming available for it: but many of the principles involved are, even yet, obscure. Therefore any conclusions at which we may arrive can only be tentative; and the theories and schematic representations that we shall be obliged to use must be regarded as mere working diagrams—almost certainly of a temporary character—but useful to us, because they do give us an interpretation of inner experience with which we can deal. I need not emphasize the extent in which modern developments of psychology are affecting our conceptions of the spiritual life, and our reading