Some Principles of Maritime Strategy eBook

Julian Corbett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 354 pages of information about Some Principles of Maritime Strategy.

Some Principles of Maritime Strategy eBook

Julian Corbett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 354 pages of information about Some Principles of Maritime Strategy.
    tactical and strategic, 97;
    insecurity of, 119;
    close and open, 97, 184, 187-91, 193-94, 197-201, 205, 207-208, 240,
        250, 292, 295-97, 321, 340;
    theory of, 142, 163, 169, 175, 202-204, 242, 287-88, 322
  Bluecher, Field Marshal Gebhard von, 23
  Boscawen, Admiral Edward, 189, 252, 320, 328, 339
  Boulogne, 251
  Brest, 141, 145, 147-48, 162, 179, 189, 193-97, 201-202, 208, 235-36,
      248-49, 252-53, 290, 296, 323
  Bruix, Admiral, 140
  Byng, Admiral Sir George, 163

  Cadiz, 134-40, 143, 146, 148, 179, 186, 213, 227, 264, 323
  Caemmerer, General von, 76-77
  Calder, Admiral Sir Robert, 163, 183
  Canada, 54, 56-57, 81, 189, 210, 312, 328, 332
  Cape Clear, 272
  Caribbean Sea, 144
  Carkett, Captain Robert, 4
  Cartagena, 264
  Channel Islands, 140, 253
  Charles II of England, 179
  Charles of Austria, 21, 54, 69
  Chateaurenault, Admiral Comte de, 213-14
  Chatham, 177, 215, 227
  Cherbourg, 253
  Christian, Admiral Sir Hugh, 296
  Cienfuegos, 169, 344
  Clausewitz, General Karl von, 79-80, 85, 330-31;
    theory, 25, 27-29, 41-46, 51-56, 60-61, 73-74, 76-77, 311, 341;
    his service, 23-24;
    On War, 24, 44;
    his war plans, 44
  Colpoys, Admiral Sir John, 196
  Command at sea, theory of, 91-106, 165-66
  Commerce prevention, 95
  Communications, maritime, 94, 165, 315-16, 335;
    common theory of, 100-102, 118
  Conflans, Admiral Comte de, 192, 252-53, 320, 339
  Copenhagen, 68
  Cornwallis, Admiral Sir William, 143, 162, 181, 183, 197-200
  Coruna, 173
  Cotton, Admiral Sir Charles, 181
  Covering squadron, 283, 286-88, 291
  Craig’s expedition, 67
  Crimea, 57, 62, 81, 258, 285-87, 300
  Cromwell, 20, 22, 157, 163, 176
  Cuba, 57, 103, 168, 313, 332
  Curieux, 182

  Dalny, 229
  Dardanelles, 68, 139
  Davout, Louis-Nicolas, 23
  Deane, Colonel Richard, 176
  Declaration of Paris, 96, 267
  Dettingen, 246
  Dogger Bank, 158
  Downs, the, 139-40, 146, 176, 198, 214, 249-50, 253, 263
  Drake, Sir Francis, 39, 159-60, 171, 173-74, 227, 244, 291, 301
  Dumouriez, General, 254, 257
  Dundas, Admiral Sir James, 286, 291
  Dungeness, 176, 199
  Dunkirk, 225, 237, 244, 246-50, 252-53
  Duquesne, Admiral Abraham, 121

  Egypt, 237-38, 240
  Elliot Islands, 37

  Ferrol, 139, 141, 266, 323
  Finisterre, Cape, 101, 106, 139-40, 253, 256, 272
  Flanders, 171, 246
  Frederick the Great, 21-22, 36, 46, 54-55, 63-64, 66-67, 80, 157, 327

  Gallipoli, 285
  Ganteaume, Admiral Comte, 191, 197-98, 202, 236
  Gardner, Admiral Lord, 197-98
  Gibraltar, 34, 105, 139, 141, 145-46, 213, 264, 272, 318, 323, 337, 344
  Gneisenau, Field Marshal August von, 23
  Goltz, General von der, 75, 97
  Guichen, Admiral Comte de, 146, 223

Project Gutenberg
Some Principles of Maritime Strategy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.