Marjorie's Maytime eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 189 pages of information about Marjorie's Maytime.

Marjorie's Maytime eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 189 pages of information about Marjorie's Maytime.

Pink sweet peas and ferns were scattered over the white tablecloth, and across the table ran a broad pink satin ribbon which bore in gold letters the legend, “May for the Maynards, the Maynards for May!”

“What a beautiful table!” cried Marjorie, as the lovely sight greeted her eyes.

“What beautiful guests!” cried Cousin Jack, as he looked at the smiling, happy crowd of children.  And then he helped them to find their places, which were marked by pretty cards, painted with pink flowers.

As far as possible, everything was trimmed with pink.  The china was white with pink bands, the rolled sandwiches were tied with little pink ribbons, the little cakes were iced with pink, and there were pink candies, and pink ice cream, and pink lemonade.

Then after the feast was over, the children were instructed to pull gently on the ribbons that lay at their plate, and thus draw toward them the pink paper parcels.

These being opened proved to contain a dainty gift for each one, the prevailing color, of course, being pink.

“It’s the pinkiest party I ever saw!” exclaimed Marjorie.  “It makes it seem more like May, being so pinky!”

“That’s because it’s for the Pink of Perfection,” said Cousin Jack, looking fondly at Marjorie, whom he considered his chief guest.

Then they all left the table, and with Cousin Jack as ringleader, they played merry games until late in the afternoon.

At last the children all went home, and Marjorie threw her arms around Cousin Jack’s neck, in a burst of gratitude.  “You are too good to us!” she exclaimed.

“Now, Mehitabel, you know I think nothing could be too good for you, you’re such a gay little Maynard!  Can’t I induce you to stay here with me when your people go home to-morrow?”

Marjorie laughed, for this was the second invitation she had had to leave her family.  But she well knew Cousin Jack didn’t expect her to do it, and so she smiled, and said, “I couldn’t be induced to do that, Cousin Jack; but I think it would be awfully nice if you and Cousin Ethel would come and live in Rockwell.  Then we could see you so much oftener.”

“I’m not sure that we can go and live there,—­but if we were coaxed very hard, we might come and visit you same time.”

“I rather think you will!” said Mr. Maynard, heartily, “and the sooner you come, and the longer you stay, the better we’ll like it!”

And before the Maynards left Cambridge, it was definitely arranged that Cousin Jack and Cousin Ethel should visit them in the near future.

The next day the Maynards started for home.  They were to stop a day or two in Boston, and then proceed by easy stages back to Rockwell.

As the big car started away from the Bryant house, after farewells both merry and affectionate, the children sang in gay chorus, one of their favorite road songs: 

Project Gutenberg
Marjorie's Maytime from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.