Diet and Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 70 pages of information about Diet and Health.

Diet and Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 70 pages of information about Diet and Health.


2 cups hot water with a little lemon juice.
10-minute exercise at least


Coffee or postum with cream or sugar
10 ozs. skim milk (see list
of breakfasts).........................100 C


Baked beans
if canned 3 h. tbsp., if home
baked 1-1/2.......................150 C
Pickled beets 5 med. slices......... 25 C
Large amount celery or lettuce
or other green leaves............. 25 C
1 slice toasted Swedish health
bread (made of oatmeal) or
1 roll............................100 C
1 cup coffee or postum clear........ 0 C
Medium apple........................ 50 C
Total............................350 C


3 crackers with tea with 1 tsp. sugar
and 1 slice lemon
10 ozs. skim milk or buttermilk
100 C fruit (see list)...................100 C


Cottage cheese omelet
2 med. eggs.......................160 C
3 ozs. cottage cheese.............100 C
1 tbsp. cream
condensed milk.................... 50 C
310 C

Salt to taste
Bake or fry gently in 1/2 tbsp. fat. 40 C
(Can substitute 100 C chopped
lean meat for cottage
1 small head celery tender leaves
and all........................... 25 C
1 slice bread or equivalent.........100 C
Butter 1/2, pat..................... 50 C
1 dish plain stewed tomatoes,
squash, carrots, spinach or
onions, etc....................... 25 C
5 almonds or 5 peanuts or 2
large walnuts..................... 50 C
10 raisins.......................... 50 C
Total............................650 C
Grand Total.....................1200 C

Finished But Not Famished

-----------+ | WEEKLY WEIGHT CHART | +-----------------------------------------------------------
------+ | Month | 1st Week | 2nd Week | 3rd Week | 4th Week | 5th Week | +----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----
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Project Gutenberg
Diet and Health from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.