Diet and Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 70 pages of information about Diet and Health.

Diet and Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 70 pages of information about Diet and Health.
2 eggs 160 C fried gently in 1 tsp.
bacon fat or butter............40 C


soft boiled or poached eggs
with 1 slice crisped bacon....200 C
1 roll or 1 slice whole wheat
bread.........................100 C
Butter 1/2 pat...................50 C
Coffee, postum or tea clear.......0
Total..................................350 C


3 crackers with tea with 1 tsp. sugar
and 1 slice lemon


10 ozs. skim milk or buttermilk


100 C fruit (see list).................100 C


2 toasted shredded wheat biscuits.200 C
2 glasses skim milk...............150 C
1 dish stewed prunes
8 with 1 tbsp. syrup............200 C
10-12 peanuts.....................100 C
Coffee, postum or tea clear.........0 C
Total..................................650 C
Grand Total...........................1200 C

1200 C DAY


2 cups hot water with a little lemon juice.
10-minute exercise at least


     Coffee or postum with cream or sugar


10 ozs. skim milk (see list of
breakfasts) .........................100 C


     6 oz. cream soup,
       Potato, tomato, clam chowder,
       etc. (use skim milk)..........200 C
     Shredded cabbage, lettuce, celery


any greens—­average helping
practically.....................0 C
1/2 tbsp. mayonnaise or oil


1 tbsp. cream dressing...........50 C
2 soda crackers..................50 C
1 average apple..................50 C
Total..................................350 C


3 crackers with tea with 1 tsp. sugar
and 1 slice lemon


10 ozs. skim milk or buttermilk


100 C fruit (see list).................100 C


     Carrot and cottage cheese salad
       (The Home Dietitian—­Comstock)
       1/2 cup ground carrots
       1-6 cup chopped nuts
       3 oz. cottage cheese
       3 oz. large lemon (juice of)......250 C
     8 ozs. consomme, no fat..............30 C
     4 crackers or 1 roll or slice bread 100 C
     1/2 pat butter.......................50 C
     Average helping lettuce or other
       greens--no oil......................0
     Dessert—­gelatine pudding,
       average serving...................120 C
     Whipped cream 1 heaping tbsp........100 C
     Coffee or postum or tea clear....... 0
     Total....................................650 C
     Grand Total.............................1200 C

1200 C DAY

Project Gutenberg
Diet and Health from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.