Diet and Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 70 pages of information about Diet and Health.

Diet and Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 70 pages of information about Diet and Health.

I love Billy Sunday’s classical answer to the objection that his conversions were not permanent.  He responded:  “Neither is a bath!”

WHEN YOU START TO REDUCE you will have the following to combat: 

[Sidenote:  A Combat]

First:  Your husband, who tells you that he does not like thin women.  I almost hate my husband when I think how long he kept me under that delusion.  Now, of course, I know all about his jealous disposition, and how he did not want me to be attractive.

[Illustration:  Green!]

Second:  Your sister, who says, “Goodness, Lou, but you look old today; you looked lots better as you were.”

[Illustration:  Sweet Peace]

Third:  Your friends, who tell you that you are just right now; don’t lose another pound!  And other friends who tell you cheerful tales of people they have known who reduced, and who went into a decline, and finally died.

[Sidenote:  To Avoid Slack in Your Neck, Double and Triple Chins, Massage Vigorously Up and Down, Not Crossways]

[Sidenote:  I Am Interesting]

But you must not mind them.  Smile, and tell them that you know all about it, and don’t worry.  Go serenely on your way, confident in your heart that you will look fully ten years younger when you get down to normal, no matter how you look in the interim.  I don’t see why women, and men, too, (secretly) worry so much about wrinkles.  If the increased wrinkles on the face are accompanied by increased wrinkles in the gray matter, ’tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.  I’m sure I am much more interesting with wrinkles than I was without.  I am to myself, anyway.

However, you will not be any more wrinkled if you reduce gradually, as I advise, and keep up your exercises at least fifteen minutes daily.

[Sidenote:  I Have a Beautiful Complexion]

[Sidenote:  I Attended an Art School Six Months Once]

Take care of your face, alternate hot and cold water, glycerine one-quarter, rose water three-quarters, cold cream packs, massage gently, a little ice—­you know what to do—­you need not fear.  You will not only look ten years younger and live twenty years longer—­I assert it boldly—­but your complexion and efficiency will be one hundred per cent better.

[Sidenote:  Joy!]

If there is anything comparable to the joy of taking in your clothes, I have not experienced it.  And when you find your corset coming closer and closer together (I advise a front lace, so this can be watched), and then the day you realize that you will have to stitch in a tuck or get a new one!

But don’t be in a hurry to make your clothes smaller now.  If they are loose they will show to the world that you are reducing.  A fat person in a tight suit, unless it is perfectly new, should be interned.

[Sidenote:  Food Only]

Project Gutenberg
Diet and Health from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.