Diet and Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 70 pages of information about Diet and Health.

Diet and Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 70 pages of information about Diet and Health.

     1200 C DAY


2 cups hot water with a little lemon juice.
10-minute exercise at least


Coffee or postum with cream or sugar
10 ozs. skim milk (see list of breakfasts). 100 C


1 medium sized head lettuce
1/3 lb........................... 25 C
1 tbsp. mayonnaise...............100 C
1 med. sweet pickle chopped for
mayonnaise....................... 25 C
1-1/8 inch cube cream cheese
3 ozs. cottage cheese............100 C
1 Toasted French roll (no butter)
.................................100 C
Total.................................350 C


3 crackers with tea and 1 tsp. sugar and 1 slice lemon or 10 ozs. skim or buttermilk or 100 C. fruit (see list)................100 C


Creamed dried beef on toast
Dried beef 4 thin slices 4 x 5.100 C
Cut fine and crisped in frying
pan with 1/2 tbsp. butter.........50 C
1 tbsp. flour browned with
above...........................25 C
Add 1 cup skim milk (7 ozs.)
cook gently.....................70 C
245 C

2 slices crisp toast (pour above
over)..........................200 C
1 large serving raw celery or
raw cabbage.....................15 C
1 large baked apple with 1 tbsp.
syrup..........................120 C
1 glass skim milk (7 oz.)........70 C
Total.......................650 C
Grand Total................1200 C

1200 C DAY


2 cups hot water, with a little lemon juice.
10-minute exercise at least

      Coffee or postum with cream or sugar or 10 ozs. skim milk
        (see list of breakfasts)...........................100 C


Celery—­eat tender leaves also
10-14 stalks...................30 C
Olives--5 good sized ripe.......100 C
1 small slice corn bread........100 C
12 ozs. skim milk or buttermilk.120 C
Total...................350 C


3 crackers with tea with 1 tsp. sugar
and 1 slice lemon
10 ozs. skim milk or buttermilk
100 C fruit (see list).................100 C


Broiled halibut (or lean beef)
steak 4-5 ozs. with lemon.......150 C
Lettuce (no oil) average serving....0
1 slice whole wheat bread or roll.100 C
1/2 pat butter.....................50 C
Dessert 1-6 pie...................350 C
1 cup clear postum or coffee........0
Total...................650 C
Grand Total............1200 C

1200 C DAY


2 cups hot water with a little lemon juice.
10-minute exercise at least


     Coffee or postum with cream or sugar
     10 ozs. skim milk (see list of
       breakfasts) .........................100 C

Project Gutenberg
Diet and Health from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.