The Cathedral eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 456 pages of information about The Cathedral.

The Cathedral eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 456 pages of information about The Cathedral.

“The hollow moulding of the arch is filled up with a calendar and zodiac of stone.

“The right-hand side shows the Assumption of Our Lady, seated on a throne, sceptre in hand, and holding the Infant, who blesses the world.  Beneath are the episodes of Her life:  the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Nativity, the homage of the shepherds, and the presentation of Jesus to the High Priest; and the bend of the arch, rising to a point like a mitre above the Mother, has the mouldings enriched with two lines of figures, one of archangels bearing censers, with wings closely imbricated as if with tiles, the other of personifications of the seven liberal arts, each represented by two figures—­one allegorical, and the other the presentment of the inventor, or of the paragon of that art in antiquity.  This is the same scheme of expression as we see in the cathedral at Laon; the paraphrase in sculpture of scholastic theology, and a rendering in images of the text of Albertus Magnus, who, after rehearsing the perfections of the Virgin, declares that She possessed a perfect knowledge of the seven arts:  grammar, rhetoric, dialectic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music—­all the lore of the Middle Ages.

“Finally, in the middle, the great doorway illustrates the subject round which the storied carving of the other doors all centres:  the Glorification of Our Lord, as Saint John beheld it at Patmos; the Apocalypse, the last book of the Bible, spread open on the forefront of the basilica, above the grand entrance to the church.

“Jesus is seated, on His head the cruciform nimbus, robed in the linen talaris and draped in a mantle which hangs in a fall of close pleats; His bare feet rest on a stool, emblematical of the earth, according to Isaiah.  With one hand He blesses the world; in the other He holds the Book with the seven Seals.  About him, in the oval glory or Vesica, we see the Tetramorph—­the four evangelical emblems with closely fretted wings:  the winged cherub, the lion, the eagle, and the ox, figuring St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. John, and St. Luke.  Above are the twelve Apostles holding scrolls and books.

“And to complete the Apocalyptic vision, in the hollow mouldings of the arch are the twelve Angels and four and twenty Elders described by St. John, in white raiment and crowned with gold, playing on musical instruments, and singing in the perpetual adoration which some few souls, dwelling isolated in the midst of the indifference of this age, still carry on.  They magnify the glory of the Most High, throwing themselves on their faces when the Evangelical Beasts, responding to the fervent and solemn prayers that go up from the earth, utter, in a voice that resounds above the roar of thunder, the word which in its four letters, its two syllables, sums up every duty of man to God—­the humble, loving, obedient Amen.

“The text has been very closely followed by the image-maker, excepting with regard to the Beasts, for one detail is omitted; they are not represented with the eyes of which the prophet tells us they were ’full within.’

Project Gutenberg
The Cathedral from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.