There has also been completed
an index to the English journal
Engineering, comprising
84,000 cards, from the beginning to
An index to Dingler’s Polytechnisches Journal was also commenced as long ago as 1878, carried on for six or seven years and then dropped. I hope, however, at no remote date, to bring this forward to the present time.
On taking charge of the library I was at once impressed with the immense value of the periodical literature on our shelves and the great importance of making it more readily accessible, and have had in contemplation for some time the beginning of a card index to all our periodicals on the same general plan as that of Rieth’s Repertorium. I have, however, been unable to obtain sufficient force to cover the whole ground, but have selected about one hundred and fifty journals, notably those upon the subjects of chemistry, electricity and engineering, both in English and foreign languages, the indexing of which has been in progress since the first of January. This number includes substantially all the valuable material in our possession in the English language, not only journals, but transactions of societies, all the electrical journals and nearly all the chemical in foreign languages. This index will be kept open to the public as soon as sufficient material has accumulated. In general plan it will be alphabetical, following nearly the arrangement of the periodical portion of the surgeon general’s catalogue. I shall depart from the strictly alphabetical plan sufficiently to group under such important subjects as chemistry, electricity, engineering, railroads, etc., all the subdivisions of the art, so that the electrical investigator, for instance, will not be obliged to travel from one end of the alphabet to the other to find the divisions of generators, conductors, dynamos, telephones, telegraphs, etc., and in the grouping of the classes of applied science the office classification of inventions will, as a rule, be adhered to, the subdivisions being, of course, arranged in alphabetical order under their general head and the title of the several articles also arranged alphabetically by authors or principal words.
With many thanks for the kind interest
and valuable
information afforded me, I remain, very truly
Librarian Scientific Library.
The committee much prefers to record completed work than to mention projects, as the latter sometimes fail. It is satisfactory, however, to announce that the indefatigable indexer, Dr. Alfred Tuckerman, is engaged on an extensive Bibliography of Mineral Waters. The chairman of the committee expects to complete the MS. of a Select Bibliography of Chemistry during the year, visiting the chief libraries of Europe for the purpose this summer.