* * * * *
[Footnote 1: From advance proof sheets
of the Proceedings of the
American Association for the Advancement
of Science; Washington
meeting, 1891.]
The Committee on Indexing Chemical Literature respectfully presents to the Chemical Section its ninth annual report.
Since our last meeting the following bibliographies have been printed:
1. A Bibliography of Geometrical Isomerism. Accompanying an address on this subject to the Chemical Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at Indianapolis, August, 1890, by Professor Robert B. Warder, Vice President. Proceedings A.A.A.S., vol. xxxix. Salem, 1890. 8vo.
2. A Bibliography of the Chemical Influence of Light, by Alfred Tuckerman. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections No. 785. Washington, D.C., 1891. Pp. 22. 8vo.
3. A Bibliography of Analytical Chemistry for the year 1890, by H. Carrington Bolton. J. Anal. Appl. Chem., v., No. 3. March, 1891.
We chronicle the publication of the following important bibliography:
4. A Guide to the Literature of Sugar. A book of reference for chemists, botanists, librarians, manufacturers and planters, with comprehensive subject index. By H. Ling Roth. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Limited. 1890. 8vo. Pp xvi-159.
This work contains more than 1,200 titles of books, pamphlets, and papers relating to sugar. Many of the titles are supplemented with brief abstracts. The alphabetical author catalogue is followed by a chronological table and an analytical subject index. The compilation extends to the beginning of the year 1885, and the author promises a supplement and possibly an annual guide.