Sar. Mark! he weeps.
Tell. Were he my son,
He would not shed
a tear! He would remember
The cliff where
he was bred, and learned to scan
A thousand fathoms’
depth of nether air;
Where he was trained
to hear the thunder talk,
And meet the lightning,
eye to eye; where last
We spoke together,
when I told him death
Bestowed the brightest
gem that graces life,
Embraced for virtue’s
sake. He shed a tear!
Now were he by,
I’d talk to him, and his cheek
Should never blanch,
nor moisture dim his eye—
I’d talk
to him—
Sar. He falters!
Tell. ’T is too much!
And yet it must
be done! I’d talk to him—
Ges. Of what?
Tell. The mother, tyrant, thou dost make
A widow of!
I’d talk to him of her.
I’d bid
him tell her, next to liberty,
Her name was the
last word my lips pronounced.
And I would charge
him never to forget
To love and cherish
her, as he would have
His father’s
dying blessing rest upon him!
Sar. You see, as he doth prompt, the other acts.
Tell. So well he bears it, he doth vanquish me.
My boy! my boy!
Oh, for the hills, the hills,
To see him bound
along their tops again,
With liberty.
Sar. Was there not an the father in that look?
Ges. Yet ’t is ’gainst nature.
Sar. Not if he believes
To own the son would
be to make him share
The father’s death.
Ges. I did not think of that! ’T is
The boy is not thy son.
I’ve destined him
To die along with thee.
Tell. To die? For what?
Ges. For having braved my power, as thou hast.
them forth.
Tell. He’s but a child.
Ges. Away with them!
Tell. Perhaps an only child.
Ges. No matter.
Tell. He may have a mother.
Ges. So the viper hath;
And yet, who spares
it for the mother’s sake?
Tell. I talk to stone! I talk to it as though
’T were
flesh; and know ’t is none. I’ll talk
to it
No more.
Come, my boy;
I taught thee
how to live, I’ll show thee how to die.
Ges. He is thy child?
Tell. He is my child. (Weeps.)
Ges. I’ve wrung a tear from him! Thy name?
Tell. My name?
It matters not
to keep it from thee now;
My name is Tell.
Ges. Tell? William Tell?
Tell. The same.
Ges. What! he, so famed ’bove all his countrymen,
For guiding o’er
the stormy lake the boat?
And such a master of
his bow, ’t is said
His arrows never miss!
Indeed! I’ll take
Exquisite vengeance!
Mark! I’ll spare thy life;
Thy boy’s too;
both of you are free; on one