Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 160 pages of information about Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine.

Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 160 pages of information about Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine.

It will be noted that in 1923 the haddock catch here was a very good second to the cod catch in poundage, though not so valuable proportionately.  In the otter-trawl catch from this ground it will be noted that the positions of the two species are reversed.  As a rule, these steamers certainly take more than 2 pounds of haddock to 1 of cod on other offshore grounds—­perhaps the result of operating in the shoaler waters and on the smoother bottom because of the difficulty of dragging over the rocky and kelp-covered ground, which the cod seems to prefer.  But the bottom on the Western Bank is of such nature as to offer little obstruction to the passage of the net, so that virtually all parts of it may be fished by this method; and this, added to the known movements of the cod schools makes it possible at certain seasons of the year to catch a larger proportion of this species if it is so desired.

Haddock are found about the bars at both ends of the island in March and from that time to about June 1 in from 15 to 22 fathoms.  They are also abundant 18 miles W. from the Northwest Light at the same seasons and at the same depths.  During April, May, and June they come in close to the island in from 10 to 17 fathoms—­even to 1 fathom.  Through the rest of the year (except for the colder months, when they have moved off into deeper water) they may be found all over the bank on sandy bottom in 28 to 30 fathoms, where most of the beam trawl fishing is carried on.

There is a good cod school each year on the comparatively level bottom along the western and southwestern edges of the ground in 70 fathoms and more from February 1 to May 1, and in most years a certain amount of this species is taken on this area.  In May this school seems to have moved on to a piece of bottom about 20 miles long lying SW. from the Northwest Light and having depths averaging 27 fathoms.  With fair fishing for cod on the Western Bank during most of the year, they seem to be most abundant from the first of March to June.  The winter school here appears to be smaller than that on Georges, but apparently this species visits this ground in considerable numbers during the spawning season.  In winter the cod are mainly found upon the western part of the bank, moving into the shoaler waters toward Sable Island as the spring advances (during March and April), the “Bend” of the island and the neighborhood of the bars in 2 to 4 fathoms, where they can be seen taking the hook or can be “jigged.” being favorite grounds.  The ground lying W. from the Northwest Light, on and about the Northwest Bar (18 miles W, from the light), is a favorite cod ground in May and June.  The shoal water over the rocky bottom WNW from the Northwest Light furnishes good cod fishing from June 10 to July 1.  This piece begins just outside the 3-mile stretch of breakers running out from the land and extends offshore in a generally westerly direction to 24 fathoms.  Much hand-lining is done here.

Project Gutenberg
Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.