of so large a proportion of the young and energetic
men of every nation, will affect all processes of
thought and policy. Some of these changes will
seem favourable to conservatism, timidity, and reaction.
Everywhere, at the close of the war, military and
official autocracy will be enthroned in the seats
of power, and the spirit of political authority will
be stoking the fires of fevered nationalism which
war evokes. But other forces will be making for
bold political experiments. Not only the fear
of restive and impoverished workmen, who have recently
acquired the use of arms and perhaps the taste for
risks, but the havoc wrought upon industry and commerce,
and above all the crushing burden of taxation, will
dispose the controlling and possessing classes to seek
alternatives to a return to the era of competing alliances
and armaments. Mild and conservative measures
will be obviously unavailing. During the years
of exhaustion following the war, resolute leaders
of public opinion will be setting themselves everywhere
to frame schemes of international relations which
shall yield adequate guarantees of peace. For
the first time in history great reading and thinking
communities will give their chief attention to international
politics. They will recognize the urgency of
the work of building the society of nations upon a
basis of genuinely representative government.
Behind this reasonable process of constructive thinking,
carried on in every country by politically convinced
individuals and groups, will be the powerful support
of the unthinking, suffering masses, motived by no
clear conception of causes or remedies, but by that
collective instinct of self-preservation which impels
the herd to avoid destruction and to follow leaders
who point the way to safety.
The International Crisis in its Ethical and Psychological Aspects. Humphrey Milford.
G. Lowes Dickinson, After the War. Fifield.
C.E. Hooper, The Wider Outlook beyond the World-War. Watts & Co.
F.N. Keen, The World in Alliance. Southwood.
Norman Angell, Prussianism and its Destruction. Heinemann.
Allison Phillips, The Confederation of Europe. Longmans.
The New Statesman. Special Supplement. Suggestions for the Prevention of War.
J.A. Hobson, Towards International Government. Allen & Unwin.