and likewise sent with it a nephew of his. Another
chief, named Silonga, [30] who holds the most authority
of all in affairs of war, did likewise. He also
gave up without ransom two other Spaniards, a few natives,
and a priest, and likewise sent one of his nephews.
They are both here; and within the few days since
they have arrived it is understood that fifty ships
from Mindanao have gone against the islands of Leyte
and Camar, which are in the province of Cebu, and
have wrought havoc there; the commander was Buycan,
another chief from Mindanao. Between these three,
Umpi, Silonga, and Buycan, and the present king, Rajaniora,
the whole country is divided, and the military power;
likewise each one has his own following and people,
set apart and acknowledged. They have usually
dissensions and controversies among themselves, for
he who has the most people and wealth seeks to be
more esteemed than the others. But against the
Spaniards and their other enemies they confederate
and unite, and ordinarily Silonga has the most power.
His nephew and others claim that he is not to blame
for the expedition of Buycan—saying that
although he knew of it, and desired that he should
not go out upon the raid, and even asked him not to,
and to that end gave him a bonus of gold, he could
not prevail upon him; nor was this a matter for him
to forcibly interfere in, because there is no subjection
of the one to the other. It is thus that matters
stand, and we needs must tolerate it for the present,
since nothing else can be done, considering the news
which we are expecting from China. If this had
not intervened, we had resolved to seek them with the
galeotas and other oared vessels in their own country
in this month of January, and to harry and lay waste
their coasts, obstructing their harbors and rivers
and burning their vessels. This, by not allowing
them to depart from their own coasts, would inflict
great damage upon them; but it is necessary, as I
said, to employ some other means which is now being
examined into. I shall advise your Majesty as
to what resolution is taken, by way of Nueva Espana.
I likewise informed your Majesty of the straits in
which your royal treasury was because of the little
money which had come from Mejico this year—not
only for the treasury, but for the citizens as well;
and because of the expenses which have been incurred
in this affair with the Sangleys, and others which
are presenting themselves every day. The treasury
is so poor and needy that I find myself in a thousand
difficulties, having no place whence to draw money;
and it is necessary that it should not fail when occasion
demands, or we shall lose everything. Although
all the people are encouraged to do all in their power,
and the natives help, yet as they are poor—because
their property is in the power of the Mejicans, who
will not send it back, saying they have not permission
therefor, as I explained to you in the last letter—it
is little they can do in this matter. Indeed,