The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 12 of 55 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 12 of 55.

The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 12 of 55 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 12 of 55.
royal Audiencia were auditors, and not court alcaldes, I would not have recourse over there, but here, as to alcaldes of court, giving information and denouncing a crime amounting to public robbery, and opposed to the general welfare of all this community—­for the loss and thievery falls on all alike, and is greatly against this realm—­which can be so easily proved; and since the proof is so easy, I do not dare enter with the power and sword of the church.  This response, saying that they will inquire about it, is not a thing of today only.  I am surprised at such a response in a criminal case, (for in this matter I have proceeded not only ad petitionem partis, [i.e., “as a private-suitor”] but also ex oficio), on acount of both the publicity of the wrongdoing, and the authority of the denunciation.  I see here no evidence of the functions of the court alcaldes, although it is a country where this authority and this office is very necessary.  If I speak in these matters, they can tell me that I am a theologian; and, in short, they will act as they please.  Accordingly I present this to your Majesty, so that, if what I say has any weight, redress for this evil may be obtained.  It is certain that even if it were only to keep anyone from imagining that this concerns any of the Audiencia, or any of their friends or kinsmen, it would be well to investigate this matter.  Indeed, I do not know who could singly bring an action against the individual members of this company, but this should be done against all, for they all cause the loss to all.  In short, the matter will remain without investigation, and the partnerships undisturbed, while our ruin will increase.  Although I see this, I know not if I shall dare in spite of all this to impose an excommunication; for I have little faith in the consciences of some persons here, especially in matters touching their profits.

It is very necessary that your Majesty should order by royal decree and reiterated injunction [sobrecarta] in the immediate future, what you have already so justly ordered—­namely, that the offices and profitable positions in the country be not given to the servants and kinsmen of the governors and auditors, who certainly obtain them from time to time.  Such people alienate the residents here.  Although I may appear impertinent in saying it, it is true that I fear it is of more advantage to be a servant, or married to a servant, of an auditor, than to be bishop.  I say this not alone regarding those who are here, but also on account of the connection of the viceroy of Mexico with affairs pertaining to this country.  On this subject I am sending, together with this, a clause of a letter written to me a few days ago by the fiscal of your Majesty, the licentiate Geronimo de Salazar y Salcedo, who went to inspect the ships which have just come from Mexico.  It is very important for the royal exchequer of your Majesty, and to everyone, that neither the viceroy of Nueva [Espana] nor the governor here should have any authority in such affairs, nor in any in which they have an interest, or which concern the auditors; and all matters in this state should be removed from their power.

Project Gutenberg
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 12 of 55 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.