The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 12 of 55 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 12 of 55.

The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 12 of 55 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 12 of 55.

The fourth cause is a neglect of punishment against the alcaldes-mayor; nor is any investigation of importance carried on against them, nor are they in any way punished.  This is a great pity, and as those who are going to be their successors take their residencias, they accommodate one another, and the Indians dare not speak.  Other persons, more shrewd, even say that they will make any claims during the residencias, since that is of no use except to point out the way to robbery which the predecessor trod, so that the successor may follow him.  These things have always caused me grief; but now that I have these souls in charge it weighs upon me much to see these evils and the little redress which comes, Sire, from your Majesty’s powerful hand.  I seek from your Majesty no more show of authority for the correction of these evils than belongs to me by right of office, in order to make no display of ambition; for even in matters which belong properly to my office I feel that my powers are very limited and not at all adequate to its demands.  But I hope in the Lord that He will inspire in the heart of your Majesty a desire to introduce some effective remedy sufficient for these evils, since their character is self-evident.  Manila, July 5, 1603.

Fray Miguel, archbishop elect of Manila.


I have written another more detailed letter to your Majesty, and in this I shall give a brief account of several matters that should be set right.  I express the desire for this under a greater sense of obligation, and the more confidently, because your Majesty has so considered this minister, vassal, and servant of yours in appointing me archbishop of this city—­which appointment I have received, and have delivered to the chapter of the church your Majesty’s letter to that effect and announcing that I had been given the government of it, and its occupancy.

This city and these islands are most poverty-stricken, and harassed by a thousand troubles from heaven—­what with the fires, and the enemies, and (worst of all) our own friends and brothers, the vassals of your Majesty.  The people from Mexico have borne down on this unfortunate country this year, in a very inundation.  To repair the ruin which the Mexicans and Peruvians are bringing upon us, and in order to discover and rid ourselves of those here who are in partnership with them, the cabildo of this city, through their procurator, presented me with a petition asking me for this purpose to excommunicate such persons.  I, who hold the name of excommunication in great awe, when it is placed generally upon this land (where there is not so much fear of God as in Espana), did not grant the excommunication; but I drew up a petition, and presented it to the royal Audiencia.  To this they issued the reply which I beg your Majesty to have examined together with my petition; I am sending your Majesty a copy of the aforesaid petition and of their action thereon.  If the members of this

Project Gutenberg
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 12 of 55 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.