The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 69, July, 1863 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 69, July, 1863.

The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 69, July, 1863 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 69, July, 1863.


Becoming an inhabitant of a great English town, I often turned aside from the prosperous thoroughfares, (where the edifices, the shops, and the bustling crowd differed not so much from scenes with which I was familiar in my own country,) and went designedly astray among precincts that reminded me of some of Dickens’s grimiest pages.  There I caught glimpses of a people and a mode of life that were comparatively new to my observation, a sort of sombre phantasmagoric spectacle, exceedingly undelightful to behold, yet involving a singular interest and even fascination in its ugliness.

Dirt, one would fancy, is plenty enough all over the world, being the symbolic accompaniment of the foul incrustation which began to settle over and bedim all earthly things as soon as Eve had bitten the apple; ever since which hapless epoch, her daughters have chiefly been engaged in a desperate and unavailing struggle to get rid of it.  But the dirt of a poverty-stricken English street is a monstrosity unknown on our side of the Atlantic.  It reigns supreme within its own limits, and is inconceivable everywhere beyond them.  We enjoy the great advantage, that the brightness and dryness of our atmosphere keep everything clean that the sun shines upon, converting the larger portion of our impurities into transitory dust which the next wind can sweep away, in contrast with the damp, adhesive grime that incorporates itself with all surfaces (unless continually and painfully cleansed) in the chill moisture of the English air.  Then the all-pervading smoke of the city, abundantly intermingled with the sable snow-flakes of bituminous coal, hovering overhead, descending, and alighting on pavements and rich architectural fronts, on the snowy muslin of the ladies, and the gentlemen’s starched collars and shirt-bosoms, invests even the better streets in a half-mourning garb.  It is beyond the resources of Wealth to keep the smut away from its premises or its own fingers’ ends; and as for Poverty, it surrenders itself to the dark influence without a struggle.  Along with disastrous circumstances, pinching need, adversity so lengthened out as to constitute the rule of life, there comes a certain chill depression of the spirits which seems especially to shudder at cold water.  In view of so wretched a state of things, we accept the ancient Deluge not merely as an insulated phenomenon, but as a periodical necessity, and acknowledge that nothing less than such a general washing-day could suffice to cleanse the slovenly old world of its moral and material dirt.

Project Gutenberg
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 69, July, 1863 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.