Maupas, 10, 11.
Mayr, 26, 47.
Mela, 38.
Memory in woman, 309.
Metis, 13.
Migration, social significance of, 91.
Militancy, chronic, 93.
Military: glory, 158;
organization, 73.
Milne-Edwards, 34.
Mind: formation of, 312;
ground-pattern of, 243;
nature of, 251;
of lower races, 251-312;
of woman, 291-313;
produces society, 277.
Mitchell, 25.
Modesty, psychology of, 201-20, 302.
Moffat, 126.
Monogamy, 176;
acquired, 192;
basis of, 192;
from biological standpoint, 193,
from social standpoint, 193.
Morality: contractual in man, imitational in woman, 172;
contractual in men, personal in women, 172, 219, 233;
definition of, 149;
dependence on food relations, 150;
extribal extension of, 163;
generalization of, 167;
in relation to sex, 149-72;
male and female codes of, 233;
motor type of, 149, 152;
of woman, 233;
parallelism of development in, 275;
regulative function of, 149;
relation to religion, 158;
standards of, developed by men, 171;
tribal character of, 120, 162, 163.
Morgan, 58, 88, 143.
Morphological: conservatism in woman, 18, 19, 51;
instability in men, 24.
Morselli, 39.
Mortality, 26, 40, 43, 45.
Mosaic code, 276.
Mosso, 204.
Mother-right, priority of, 67.
Motion: appreciation of, 156;
capacity for, 21, 23;
in man, 51, 55, 67, 87, 92, 123, 132, 154, 219, 228, 291;
in woman, 293.
Murder, prohibition of, 165.
Muscular co-ordination, 23.
Musters, 80.
Nasse, 31.
Newsholme, 41.
Number-sense in lower races, 270.
Nutrition and sex, 5, 9, 149.
Occupational interest for women, 245.
Occupations: hunting-pattern of,
stationary and motor, 123.
Odyssey, 163.
Oettingen, 39, 43.
Organization: man’s capacity
for, 145;
of industry by man, 145, 230.
Ornament: as basis of clothing, 215;
transference of, to woman,
219, 235.
Ornstein, 46, 47.
Owen, 125, 170.
Parallelism: of development, 272;
in morality, 275;
in poetry, 274.
Parasitic condition of women of upper
classes, 232.
Parental instinct, 107.
Paternal authority, 62, 67, 70, 76, 87,
Pearson, 17.
Peasant woman, 304.
Phallic worship, 177.
Plant: anabolic, 3;
domestication of, 136.
Pleasure and pain, 279.
Ploss, 4, 43, 44, 56, 177, 309.
Poetry, parallelism of development in,
Poison, restrictions in use of, 165.