Doctor and Patient eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 129 pages of information about Doctor and Patient.

Doctor and Patient eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 129 pages of information about Doctor and Patient.
as noble.  When dying, she said some gay thing which disturbed a dear friend.  The sufferer, well knowing her own state, looked up.  “I must laugh, dear,” she said; “I would not feel that the other world was the good place I think it if I did not believe I could laugh there too.”  She once said to me, in the midst of a storm of acute suffering, that pain seemed to her a strange sort of a joke.  I hardly knew what she meant, but it shows the reigning mood of one who used to better ends a life half pain than most of us use the untroubled health of existence.  Very irritable in youth, her clear brain and strong sense of duty overcame it in proportion to the growth of what in others creates it.  All opiates she disliked, and could rarely be induced to take them.  “If my mind gets weaker, I shall go to pieces——­;” and, laughing always, “the bits would be worthless as the scattered bricks of a sound house.”  Surely such a life is a fruitful lesson in the uses of endurance, for be sure that both she and all around her were the better and happier, yes, and she the less a sufferer, for her mode of dealing with a life of pain.

The illustration I have given saves me from dwelling at great length on the values of all the means within a woman’s control for lessening the evil consequences of suffering, and if to few is given the largest moral and mental outfit for such a struggle, none are without the power to cultivate what they have, and, in the lesser ills of life, to make use of the lesson we may hope and know few will be called on to apply to an existence such as hers.

Pain of body, hurt of mind, all the sad gamut from discomfort to anguish, depend for their influence on her life upon how nature and training enable the woman to meet them.

To endure without excess of emotion saves her from consequent nervousness, and from that feebleness of mind and body which craves at all cost instant relief.  It is the spoiled child, untaught to endure, who becomes the self-pampered woman.  Endurance of pain has also its side-values, and is the handmaid of courage and of a large range of duties.  Tranquil endurance enables the sufferer to seek and to use all the means of distraction which this woman I have described did use.  It leaves the mind free, as it never can be otherwise in the storm of unrestraint, to reason on her troubles, and to decide whether or not her pain justifies the use of drugs, for on her the physician must measurably rely for this knowledge, and as she is morally strong or weak the decision will be.

There are those, indeed, who suffer and grow strong; there are those who suffer and grow weak.

Project Gutenberg
Doctor and Patient from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.