All Aboard; or, Life on the Lake eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 154 pages of information about All Aboard; or, Life on the Lake.

All Aboard; or, Life on the Lake eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 154 pages of information about All Aboard; or, Life on the Lake.

Tim did not seem to fancy this kind of discipline.  He evidently felt that he had been born to command, and not to obey.  But the consciousness that he was in the minority induced him to yield whatever convictions he might have had of his own superiority to the will of the “powers that be,” and he followed the example of the others.

“Ready—­pull!” continued Frank.

He and Tony had arranged a little system of “fleet maneuvers,” to be carried out when the two boats met.

To the surprise of all on board,—­for they were not “posted up” in regard to these tactics,—­Frank put the Zephyr about.

“Cease—­rowing!” said he, when the boat was headed in the opposite direction.

To the further surprise of the Zephyrs, they discovered that the Butterfly had executed a similar maneuver, and that the two boats lay at the distance of nearly a quarter of a mile apart, the bow of one pointing directly east, and the other directly west.

“Ready to back her!” said Frank, and the boys all pulled their oar handles close to their breasts, ready at the word to take the reverse stroke.

“Back her!”

The Butterfly did the same thing exactly, and the two boats rapidly approached each other, stern first.  Tony had certainly made the most of the time which had been allotted to him for drilling his crew, and they worked together almost as well as the Zephyrs, who were a little embarrassed at each new movement by the awkwardness of Tim Bunker.

“Steady—­slow,” continued Frank, as the two boats came nearer together.  “That will do; cease—­rowing.  Ready—­up!” and the twelve oars gleamed in the sunshine.

The sterns of the two boats came together, and Frank threw Tony a line, which the latter made fast.

“Ready—­down!” said Tony and Frank, almost in the same breath; and the oars were deposited in their places on the thwarts.

The two clubs were facing each other as they sat in their seats, with the respective coxswains standing in the stern sheets.

“Mr. Coxswain of the Butterfly,” said Frank, as he removed his hat, and gracefully bowed to Tony, “in behalf of the members of the Zephyr Boat Club, of which you were so long a cherished member, I welcome you and your club, and the beautiful craft in which you sail, to these waters.  May the Zephyr and the Butterfly cruise together in entire harmony; may no hard words or hard thoughts be called forth by either, but may all be peace and good-will.”

This little speech was received with a burst of applause by Tony’s club, and the boats interchanged volleys of cheers.

“Mr. Coxswain of the Zephyr,” Tony began, in reply to his friend’s speech, “I am much obliged to you and your companions for the kind words you have spoken for yourself and for them.  I am sure there will never be any hard feelings between us, and I assure you if any fellow in our club attempts to make a row, we will turn him out.  Won’t we, fellows?”

Project Gutenberg
All Aboard; or, Life on the Lake from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.