The Sources and Analogues of 'A Midsummer-night's Dream' eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 151 pages of information about The Sources and Analogues of 'A Midsummer-night's Dream'.

The Sources and Analogues of 'A Midsummer-night's Dream' eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 151 pages of information about The Sources and Analogues of 'A Midsummer-night's Dream'.
bethinking himself of what love is, for he himself had been a servant [lover] in his time; wherefore, at the request of the queen and Emilia, he forgave them, if they would swear to do his country no harm, and be his friends.  And when they had sworn, he reasoned with them, that each was worthy to wed Emilia, but that both could not so do; therefore let each depart for a year, and gather to him a hundred knights, and then return to tourney in the lists for the hand of Emilia.

  “Who loketh lightly now but Palamoun? 
  Who springeth up for joye but Arcite?”

And thanking him on their knees, they took their leave and rode away.

Royal were the lists which Theseus made, a mile in circuit, and walled with stone.  Eastward and westward were marble gates, whereon were built temples of Venus and Mars, while in a turret on the north wall was a shrine of Diana goddess of chastity.  And each temple was nobly carven and wrought with statues and pictures.

Now the day of the tourney approached, and Palamon and Arcite returned each with a hundred knights.

  “To fighte for a lady, ben’cite!
  It were a lusty sighte for to see.”

Palamon brought with him Ligurge king of Thrace, and with Arcite was Emetreas, the king of India, each a giant in might.  So on a Sunday they all came to the city.

And in the night, ere dawn, Palamon arose and went to the temple of Venus to pray that he might win Emilia for his wife; and, as it seemed, in answer to his prayer, the statue of Venus shook, and Palamon held it for a sign that the boon he asked was granted.  Emilia meanwhile went to the temple of Diana, and prayed to the goddess, that she might remain a virgin, and that the hearts of Palamon and Arcite might be turned from her; or, if she needs must wed one of the twain, let him be the one that most desired her.  To her appeared the goddess Diana, and told her that she must be wedded to one of the two, but she might not tell which that one should be.

And Arcite went to the temple of Mars, and prayed for victory; whereat the door of the temple clattered, and the fires blazed up on the altar, while the hauberk on the god’s statue rang, and Arcite heard a murmur of “Victory.”  So rejoicing thereat he returned home

  “As fayn as fowel is of the brighte sonne.”

Thereafter in the heavens above strife began betwixt Mars and Venus, such that Jupiter himself was troubled to quell it; till Saturn (the father of Venus) comforted his daughter with assurance that Palamon should win his lady.

That day was high festival in Athens, and all Monday they justed and feasted, but went betimes to rest that they might rise early to see the great fight.  And on the morrow there were lords and knights and squires, armourers, yeomen and commoners, and steeds and palfreys, on every hand, and all was ready.

Project Gutenberg
The Sources and Analogues of 'A Midsummer-night's Dream' from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.