2.3 The temperate Zones wherein neither heat nor cold is extreame but moderate: these are two, one on the North side of the Aequator, betweene the Articke circle, and the Tropicke of Cancer, another on the South side betweene the Tropicke of Capricorne, and the Antarcticke circle.
4.5 The cold, or Frozen Zones, wherein cold for the most part is greater then the heat, these likewise are two, one in the North, betweene the Articke circle, and the North Pole, another on the South betweene the Antarctick circle and the South Pole. These of all parts of the earth are worst inhabited, according as extremity of cold is alwaies a greater enemy to mans body, then extremity of heat.
3 The third distinction is by the shadowes, which bodies doe cast vpon the earth, iust at nooneday; for these doe not alwaies fall one way but diuersly according to their divers scituation vpon the Earth. Now in respect of the shadowes of mens bodies, the inhabitants of the earth are divided into the
1 Amphiscy ([Greek: amphischioi]) whose shadow at noone day fall both waie, so to the North when the Sunne is Southward of them, & to the South when the Sunne is Northward, and such are those people that doe dwell in the hot Zone. For the Sunne goes ouer their heads twice a yeare, once Northward, another time Southward, when the Sunne is just ouer their heads they are called Asoy, [Greek: aschioi], without shadow.
2 Heteroscy ([Greek: heteroschioi]) whose shadowes doe alwaies fall one way, namely alwaies towards the North, as those that dwell in the Northerne temperate Zone, or alwaies to the South, as those that dwell in the Southerne temperate Zone.
3 Periscy ([Greek: perischioi]) whose shadowes goe round about them, as those people who dwell in the two cold Zones, for as the Sunne never goes downe to them after he is once vp, but alwaies round about, so doe their shadowes.
4 The fourth distinction is by the scituation of the Inhabitants of the Earth, compared on with another: who are called either.
1 Perioeci ([Greek: perioichoi])
such as dwell round
about the Earth
in one and the same paralell, as for
example vnder
the Tropicke of Cancer.
2 Antoeci ([Greek: antoichoi])
such as dwell opposite to
the former in
another Paralell of the same distance
from the AEquator.
As those vnder the Tropicke of
3 Antipodes ([Greek:
antipodes]) who dwell iust vnder vs
theire feete opposite
to ours.
5 The fifth distinction is of the Length and Breadth of the Earth and places vpon it: these may bee considered two wayes
1 Absolutely, and so the
{ Longitude or
Length of the Earth is its Circuit, and
{ Extension from
East to west,
{ Latitude or
breadth of it, is the whole Circuit and
{ Compasse of
it from North to South.