[Footnote 2: Of this Hypothesis see Wrights errors of navigation.]
1 To describe an AEquinoctiall planispheare, draw a circle (ACBD) and inscribe in it two diameters (AB) & (CD) cutting each other at right angles, and the whole circle into foure quadrants: each whereof devide into 90. parts, or degrees. The line (AB) doth fitly represent halfe of the AEquator, as the line (CD) in which the points (C) & (D) are the two poles, halfe of the Meridian: for these circles the eye being in a perpendicular line from the point of concurrence (as in this projection it is supposed) must needs appeare streight. To draw the other, which will appeare crooked, doe thus. Lie a rule from the Pole (C) to every tenth or fift degree of the halfe circle (ADB) noting in the AEquator (AB) every intersection of it and the rule. The like doe from the point (B) to the semicircle (CAD) noting also the intersections in the Meridian (CD) Then the diameters (CB) and (AB) being drawne out at both ends, as farre as may suffice, finding in the line (DC) the center of the tenth division from (A) to (C) and from (B) to (C), & of the first point of intersection noted in the meridian fr[o] the AEquator towards (_C_) by a way familiar to Geometricians connect the three points, and you haue the paralell of 10. degrees from the AEquator: the like must bee done in drawing the other paralells on either side, the AEquator; as also in drawing the Meridians from centers found in the line (_AB_) in like maner continued. All which is illustrated by the following diagram.