Revolving plate. See Arago’s phenomena. —— globe, Barlow’s, effect explained, 137, 160, 169. —— ——, magnetic, 164. —— ——, direction of currents in, 161, 166. Riffault’s and Chompre’s theory of electro-chemical decomposition, 485,
507, 512.
Rock crystal, induction across, 1692. Room, insulated and electrified, 1173. Rotation of the earth a cause of magneto-electric induction, 181.
Salts considered as electrolytes, 698. Scale of electrolytic intensities, 912. Secondary electrolytical results, 702, 742, 748, 777. —— become measures of the electric current, 843. Sections of the current, 498, 1634. ——, decomposing force alike in all, 501, 1621. Sections of lines of inductive action, 1369. ——, amount of force constant, 1369. Shock, strong, with one voltaic pair, 1049. Silver, chloride of, its electrolyzation, 541, 813, 902. ——, electrolytic intensity for, 979. Silver, sulphuret of, hot, conducts well, 433. Simple voltaic circles, 875. ——, decomposition effected by, 897, 904, 931. Single and many pairs of plates, relation of, 990. Single voltaic circuits, 875. —— without metallic contact, 879. —— with metallic contact, 893. —— their force exalted, 906. —— give strong shocks, 1049. —— —— a bright spark, 1050. Solid electrolytes are non-conductors, 394, 402, 1358. ——, why, 910, 1705. Solids, their power of inducing combination, 564, 618. —— interfered with, 638. Solubility of gases in cases of electrolyzation, 717, 728. Source of electricity in the voltaic pile, 875. —— is chemical action, 879, 916, 919, 1741. Spark, 1360, 1406. Spark, electric, its conditions, 1360, 1406, 1553. —— path, 1407. —— light, 1553. —— insensible duration or time, 1438. —— accompanying dark parts, 1547, 1632. —— determination, 1370. 1409. Spark is affected by the dielectrics, 1395, 1421. —— size of conductor, 1372. —— form of conductor, 1302, 1374. —— rarefaction of air, 1375. Spark, atmospheric or lightning, 1464, 1641. ——, negative, 1393, 1467, 1482, 1484, 1502. ——, positive, 1393, 1448, 1467, 1482, 1484, 1502. ——, ragged, 1420, 1448. ——, when not straight, why, 1568. ——, variation in its length, 1381. ——, tendency