its diminution in power, 1035. ——,
—— from adhesion of fluid,
1003, 1136. ——, ——
—— peculiar state of metal, 1040.
——, —— ——
exhaustion of charge, 1042. ——,
—— —— irregularity
of plates, 1045, 1146. ——, use of
metallic contact in, 893, 896. ——,
electrolytes essential to it, 921. ——,
——, why, 858, 923. ——,
state of metal and electrolyte before contact, 916.
——, conspiring action of associated
affinities, 989. ——, purity of its
zinc, 1144. ——, use of amalgamated
zinc in, 999. ——, plates, their
number, 1151. ——, ——
size, 1154. ——, ——
vicinity, 1148. ——, ——
immersion, 1150. ——, ——
relative age, 1146. ——, ——
foulness, 1145. ——, excited by
acid, 880, 926, 1137. ——, ——
alkali, 931, 934, 941. ——, ——
sulphuretted solutions, 943. ——,
the acid, its use, 925, ——, acid
for, 1128, 1137. ——, nitric acid
best for, 1137. ——, construction
of, 989, 1001, 1121. ——, with numerous
alternations, 989. ——, Hare’s,
1123. ——, general remarks on, 1031.
1136. ——, simultaneous decompositions
with, 1156. ——, practical results
with, 1136. ——, improved,
1001, 1006, 1120. ——, ——,
its construction, 1124. ——, ——,
power, 1125, 1128. ——, ——,
advantages, 1132. ——, ——,
disadvantages, 1132. Batteries, voltaic, compared,
1126. Becquerel, his important secondary results,
745, 784. Berzelius, his view of combustion,
870, 959. Biot’s theory of electro-chemical
decomposition, 486. Bismuth, its relation to
magneto-electric induction, 139. Bodies classed
in relation to the electric current, 823. ——
classed in relation to magnetism, 255. Bodies
electrolyzable, 824. Bonijol decomposed substances
by atmospheric electricity, 336. Boracic acid
a bad conductor, 408. Brush, electric, 1425.
——, produced, 1425. ——,
not affected by nature of conductors, 1454, 1473.
——, is affected by the dielectrics,
1455, 1463, 1475. ——, not dependent
on current of air, 1440. ——, proves
molecular action of dielectric, 1449, 1450. ——,
its analysis, 1427, 1433. ——, nature,
1434, 1441, 1447. ——, form, 1428,
1449, 1451. ——, ramifications,
1439. —— ——, their
coalescence, 1453. ——, sound, 1426,
1431. ——, requisite intensity for,
1446. —— has sensible duration,
1437. —— is intermitting, 1427,
1431, 1451. ——, light of,
1444, 1445, 1451. ——, ——,
in different gases, 1446, 1454. ——,
dark? 1444, 1552. ——, passes into
spark, 1448. ——, spark and glow
relation of, 1533, 1539, 1542. ——,
in gases, 1454, 1463, 1476. ——,
oxygen, 1457, 1476. ——, nitrogen,
1458, 1476. ——, hydrogen, 1459,
1476. ——, coal-gas, 1460, 1476.
——, carbonic acid gas, 1461, 1476.
——, muriatic acid gas, 1462, 1476.
——, rare air, 1451, 1455, 1474.
——, oil of turpentine, 1452. ——,
positive, 1455, 1467, 1484. ——,
negative, 1468, 1472, 1484. ——,
——, of rapid recurrence, 1468, 1491.
——, positive and negative in different
gases, 1455, 1475, 1506.