Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

It is my endeavor to state the pure unvarnished truth, and in terms as simple as possible; that is my mission.

(d). Dose:  One gram or one-fourth of a heaping teaspoonful, or one tablet in a little water or milk, once a day will be sufficient except in very severe cases of degenerated tissue.


(a).  The hair is built of a number of elements not contained in other tissues of the body, and which must be supplied in order to keep the hair in good health and prevent it from falling out.

(b).  Capillogen contains all the necessary constituents in proper proportion required by perfect hair tissue.

(c).  The main disease of the hair, responsible for this falling out, may be due, to two different causes.  It may be due to the quality of the hair, or to the condition of the nutritive soil of that part of the skin where hair is wont to grow.  If the loss of hair is due to the first cause, its regeneration, through Dech-Manna Composition No.  VIII, naturally gives rise to the hope that the lost hair may be replaced, if the process of regeneration is not begun too late, as is usually the case.

My composition, however, is not a “hair restorer.”

As a great many of my readers may know, and some of them to their sorrow, all so-called hair restorers on the market are failures—­although perhaps not so to the manufacturer or clever salesman.

My composition will prevent the hair tissues from degeneration.  Thus baldness, which might otherwise have occurred in a larger or smaller degree, may be prevented.

In the case of the disability of the skin to retain the hair, which may occur after forms of febrile disease, such as typhoid fever, or if children show little promise of growing nice hair, the composition will prove very useful in combination with Dech-Manna Composition No.  XII, Eubiogen, which restores the original strength of the whole body, while hair regenerated by the blood through capillogen has a better chance of growing and remaining in the regenerated soil.

(d). Dose:  One gram or one-fourth of a heaping teaspoonful, or one tablet in a little water or milk, once a day.  It is imperative to follow directions implicitly.


(a).  The skin, like all other tissues of the body, is made up of different constituent elements.  While its disease appears on the outside, it is built up, like all other parts of the human organism, from within and through the blood only.  The elements necessary for regenerating the skin and keeping it in a healthy condition must, therefore, also be supplied to the body from within, in the form of nutriment, as otherwise, though we might suppress and eliminate the symptoms, the disease would still remain.

(b).  Dermogen, skin producer, contains all the constituent elements which a healthy skin tissue requires.

Project Gutenberg
Valere Aude from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.