Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

Valere Aude eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Valere Aude.

There is hardly another department of medicine where the “quack” reaps so great a harvest as in the treatment of skin diseases.  Thus the suppression of symptoms becomes the rule; the removal of causes is invariably neglected.  Many forms of skin disease, being the result of sexual infections, are allowed to develop because prudery and other motives prevent the early investigation of the cause, and hence delay its prompt treatment and healing.

It is easy and natural for every one to notice the skin and see when there is anything amiss.

Upon discovery immediately consult an hygienic-dietetic physician, and follow his advice closely, since skin diseases are among the most obstinate to overcome.  The physician will be able to determine whether there is real constitutional trouble or merely a superficial skin disease.  Thus the underlying evil, if any, can be correctly treated, in combination with such specialities as the skin tissue requires.

Every skin disease must be treated from the inside, so as to destroy the disposition and even the chance for development.  In view of the large field and the great importance of this group, it will be advisable for every one to read the many pages that have been devoted to this special subject in my work, on “Regeneration” or “Dare To Be Healthy,” Chapter X, Section 9.


Diet:  The general rule of abstaining from highly seasoned food should govern all patients suffering from skin diseases.  Special attention should be given to a diet consisting of good, fresh meat, not too rich; it should be alternated with days on which no meat is eaten.  Strong cheese (Roquefort), mustard, sardelles, mixed pickles must be avoided.  See also remarks on Scrofulosis under I. A.

Dech-Manna-Compositions:  =Dermogen=, =Plasmogen=, Gelatinogen, Eubiogen.

Physical:  Partial packs, either vinegar and water, or salt and radium.  Special packs by order of the Doctor.


Another group of organ’s of vast importance is the one which consists of gelatigenous tissue.  In fact all blood and lymphatic vessels, air alveoli of the lungs, tendons and cords of the whole system, the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus, the stomach, the bladder, and indeed every organ or tissue which has the function of expansion and contraction, must be made of gelatigenous (rubber-like) tissue.  Otherwise it cannot perform its duties in the organism and must needs become degenerate.

While there are not many special forms of disease of the gelatigenous tissue itself, many diseased conditions occur in connection with its degeneration.  This in turn is caused by the lack of gelatigenous food, which the blood must convey to this tissue wherever it exists in the body.

It is obvious that any degeneration which may affect the intestinal duct, the bladder or other organs which contain gelatine in their composition will require gelatigenous regeneration.

Project Gutenberg
Valere Aude from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.