15,000 Peruvians, under the command of Paullu[62],
the brother of the Inca
Manco, the nominal
emperor of Peru, who had succeeded to Atahualpa and
Huasear. Two roads lead from Peru to Chili; one
of which by the maritime plain, is the arid desert
of Atacama, destitute of water and provisions; while
the other passes for about 120 miles over the immense
ridge of the Andes, and is attended by excessive inconveniences
and almost insurmountable difficulties Almagro chose
this road because it was the shortest from Cuzco;
and in this march his army had to endure infinite
fatigue, and almost incessant conflicts with the barbarous
tribes in the several districts through which he had
to pass. He at length reached the eastern side
of the vast chain of the Andes at the commencement
of winter, almost destitute of provisions, and ill
supplied with clothing to protect his people under
the inclemencies of the region he had still to penetrate.
At the season of the year which he unfortunately chose,
snow falls almost continually among the Andes, and
completely fills and obliterates the narrow paths that
are even difficultly passable in summer. The
soldiers, however, animated by their general, and
ignorant of the dangers they had to encounter, advanced
with inconceivable toil to the summit of the rugged
ascent. But by the severity of the weather, and
the want of provisions, 150 of the Spaniards perished
by the way; and 10,000 of the Peruvians, less able
to endure the rigours of that frozen region, were
destroyed. Not one of all the army would have
escaped, had not Almagro pushed resolutely forward
with a small party of horse to Copaipo, whence he sent
back succours and provisions to his army still engaged
in the defiles of the mountains. By these means,
those of the most robust constitutions, who had been
able to resist the inclemency of the weather, were
enabled to extricate themselves from the snow, and
at length reached the plains of Copaipo, the most
northerly province in Chili, where they were kindly
received and entertained by the inhabitants, through
respect for the Peruvians.
[Footnote 61: The beginning of that year according
to Ovale.—E.]
[Footnote 62: By Orale this Peruvian prince is
called Paullo Topo, and the high priest of the Peruvians,
Villacumu, is said to have been likewise sent in company
with Almagro.—E.]
As the Inca Paullu was well acquainted with the object
of this expedition, he obliged the inhabitants of
Copaipo to deliver up to him all the gold in their
possession, which he immediately presented to Almagro,
to the value of 500,000 ducats. Almagro was highly
pleased with this first fruit of his labours, and
immediately distributed the whole among his soldiers,
to whom also he remitted immense debts which they
owed him, as he had advanced them all the funds which
were necessary to fit them out for the expedition.
Almagro soon learnt that the reigning Ulmen of Copaipo
had usurped the government of that province in prejudice
of his nephew and ward, who had fled to the woods.
Calling the lawful heir into his presence, he arrested
the guilty chief, and reinstated the lawful heir in
the government, with the universal applause of the
natives, who attributed this conduct entirely to motives
of justice and a wish to redress the injured.