Crile, George W.: The Origin and Nature of the Emotions.
Coe, George Albert: The Psychology of Religion.
Hudson, Thomas Jay: The Law of Psychic Phenomena.
Janet, Pierre: The Major Symptoms of Hysteria;
Mental State of Hystericals.
James, William: Psychology; Talks to Teachers
on Psychology;
Varieties of Religious Experience.
Jastrow, Joseph: The Subconscious.
Kempf, Edward J.: The Tonus of Autonomic Segments
in Psychopathology.
Long, Constance: Psychology of Fantasy.
McDougall, William: Social Psychology.
Mosher, Clelia Duel: Health and the Woman Movement.
Phillips, D. E.: Elementary Psychology.
Prince, Morton: The Unconscious; The Dissociation
a Personality; My Life as a Dissociated Personality.
Sherrington, Charles L.: The Integrative Action
of the
Nervous System.
Sidis, Boris: The Foundations of Normal and Abnormal
Psychology; Psychopathological Researches.
Tansley, A. G.: The New Psychology.
Thomson, William Hanna: Brain and Personality.
White, William A.: Principles of Mental Hygiene;
The Mental Hygiene of Childhood.
Proceedings of the International Conference of Women
(National Board, Y.W.C.A., 600 Lexington Avenue, New
York City.)
Brown, Charles R.: Faith and Health.
Bruce, H. Addington: Scientific Mental Healing.
Cabot, Richard: What Men Live By;
Social Service and the Art of Healing.
DuBois, Paul: The Psychic Treatment of Nervous Disorders.
Huckel, Oliver: Mental Medicine.
James, William: Vital Reserves.
Prince, Morton, and others: Psychotherapeutics.
Sadler, William S.: The Physiology of Faith and Fear.
Worcester, Elwood }
McComb, Samuel } Religion and Medicine.
Coriat, Isador H. }
Brill, A. A.: Fundamentals of Psychoanalysis.
Emerson, L. E.: Nervousness.
Freud, Sigmund: The Interpretation of Dreams;
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life;
Wit and the Unconscious;
Selected Papers and Sexual Theory;
A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis.
Frink, H. W.: Morbid Fears and Compulsions.
Hitschmann, E.: Freud’s Theories of the Neuroses.
Holt, E. B.: The Freudian Wish.
Jung, Carl G.: The Psychology of the Unconscious;
Jones, Ernest: Psycho-analysis; Treatment of
the Neuroses, Including
Psychoneuroses—in Modern Treatment of Nervous
and Mental
Diseases—White and Jelliffe.
Pfister, Oskar: The Psychoanalytic Method.