0.7 Turn right over bridge across canal; turn sharp right at store.
3.5 Monument Beach. Turn left, passing railroad station; straight ahead.
16.4 Falmouth. Turn left at park.
26.2 Mashpee. Straight through.
32.7 Marston Mills. Bear right up grade.
34.0 For Cotuit, bear right.
35.3 Osterville. Y, bear left through irregular four corners.
37.1 Centerville. Straight ahead, but at end of road, turn left.
42.0 Hyannis. Straight ahead.
47.1 S. Yarmouth. Turn sharp right and cross bridge.
48.5 W. Dennis. Straight ahead, bearing right at Y.
51.0 W. Harwich. Straight ahead.
53.8 Harwichport. Straight ahead.
60.4 Chatham. Just before reaching village, turn left at white church.
69.1 Orleans. Bear right at irregular four corners and follow macadam road to
96.9 Provincetown.
Keep straight ahead after crossing canal bridge. Good road all the way to Plymouth.
0.0 Boston. Park Square. Follow route given above to Mattapan Square.
9.1 Mattapan Square. Straight ahead over bridge, bearing left on Blue Hills Parkway. Y, turn left and follow trolley on Brook Road, cross Central Avenue and bear left on Brook Road. End of Brook Road, curve left to Adams Street.
12.4 E. Milton. Cross railroad and keep straight ahead.
14.7 Quincy. Washington Square, curve left with trolley.
21.1 Hingham. Railroad station on right; straight ahead with trolley to Y at top of grade, bear right on Summer Street, leaving trolley.
26.1 Cohasset. Railroad station on right; four corner, straight ahead.
27.9 N. Scituate. Cross railroad; straight on to
38.2 Marshfield. Turn right on Moraine Street.
46.8 Kingston. Cross railroad, follow trolley to
51.2 Plymouth.
“Y” means the fork of two roads.
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Note—The map plainly shows the routes that can be taken by automobiles on the Cape. The red lines show state highways and macadam roads. Any road marked in red can be safely taken. Patronize the garages, hotels and stores on this sheet. They are reliable and good.
[Transcriber’s Note: Map missing from original text.]
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You’re to blame if your mind is wasting time. It does the work you select.
Fill your head with trifles and there’ll be no space for big things. Hack ideas occupy as much room as thoroughbred inspirations. Unimportant details frequently require as much attention as constructive plans.