The Red Record eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 119 pages of information about The Red Record.

The Red Record eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 119 pages of information about The Red Record.


May 23, William Brooks, Galesline, Ark.


Suspected arson, 2; stealing, 1; political causes, 1; murder, 45; rape, 29; desperado, 1; suspected incendiarism, 1; train wrecking, 1; enticing servant away, 1; kidnapping, 1; unknown offense, 6; larceny, 1; barn burning, 10; writing letters to a white woman, 1; without cause, 1; burglary, 1; asking white woman to marry, 1; conspiracy, 1; attempted murder, 1; horse stealing, 3; highway robbery, 1; alleged rape, 1; attempted rape, 11; race prejudice, 2; introducing smallpox, 1; giving information, 1; conjuring, 1; incendiarism, 2; arson, 1; assault, 1; no offense, 1; alleged murder, 2; total (colored), 134.


Mississippi, 15; Arkansas, 8; Virginia, 5; Tennessee, 15; Alabama, 12;
Kentucky, 12; Texas, 9; Georgia, 19; South Carolina, 5; Florida, 7;
Louisiana, 15; Missouri, 4; Ohio, 2; Maryland, 1; West Virginia, 2;
Indiana, 1; Kansas, 1; Pennsylvania, 1.


January, 11; February, 17; March, 8; April, 36; May, 16; June, 31; July, 21; August, 4; September, 17; October, 7; November, 9; December, 20; total colored and white, 197.


July 24, unknown woman, race prejudice, Sampson County, Miss.; March 6, unknown, woman, unknown offense, Marche, Ark.; Dec. 5, Mrs. Teddy Arthur, unknown cause, Lincoln County, W. Va.



It is a well-established principle of law that every wrong has a remedy.  Herein rests our respect for law.  The Negro does not claim that all of the one thousand black men, women and children, who have been hanged, shot and burned alive during the past ten years, were innocent of the charges made against them.  We have associated too long with the white man not to have copied his vices as well as his virtues.  But we do insist that the punishment is not the same for both classes of criminals.  In lynching, opportunity is not given the Negro to defend himself against the unsupported accusations of white men and women.  The word of the accuser is held to be true and the excited bloodthirsty mob demands that the rule of law be reversed and instead of proving the accused to be guilty, the victim of their hate and revenge must prove himself innocent.  No evidence he can offer will satisfy the mob; he is bound hand and foot and swung into eternity.  Then to excuse its infamy, the mob almost invariably reports the monstrous falsehood that its victim made a full confession before he was hanged.

Project Gutenberg
The Red Record from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.