The Red Record eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 119 pages of information about The Red Record.

The Red Record eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 119 pages of information about The Red Record.
While the ability of the state to deal with open revolts against the supremacy of its laws has been ably demonstrated, I regret that deplorable acts of violence have been perpetrated, in at least four instances, within the past two years by mobs, whose sudden work and quick dispersions rendered it impossible to protect their victims.  Within the past two years nine prisoners, who were either in jail or in the custody of the officers, have been taken from them without resistance, and put to death.  There was doubt of the guilt of the defendants in most of these cases, and few of them were charged with capital offenses.  None of them involved the crime of rape.  The largest rewards allowed by law were offered for the apprehension of the offenders, and officers were charged to a vigilant performance of their duties, and aided in some instances by the services of skilled detectives; but not a single arrest has been made and the grand juries in these counties have returned no bills of indictment.  This would indicate either that local public sentiment approved these acts of violence or was too weak to punish them, or that the officers charged with that duty were in some way lacking in their performance.  The evil cannot be cured or remedied by silence as to its existence.  Unchecked, it will continue until it becomes a reproach to our good name, and a menace to our prosperity and peace; and it behooves you to exhaust all remedies within your power to find better preventives for such crimes.


From England comes a friendly voice which must give to every patriotic citizen food for earnese thought.  Writing from London, to the Chicago Inter Ocean, Nov. 25, 1894, the distinguished compiler of our last census, Hon. Robert P. Porter, gives the American people a most interesting review of the antilynching crusade in England, submitting editorial opinions from all sections of England and Scotland, showing the consensus of British opinion on this subject.  It hardly need be said, that without exception, the current of English thought deprecates the rule of mob law, and the conscience of England is shocked by the revelation made during the present crusade.  In his letter Mr. Porter says: 

While some English journals have joined certain American journals in ridiculing the well-meaning people who have formed the antilynching committee, there is a deep under current on this subject which is injuring the Southern States far more than those who have not been drawn into the question of English investment for the South as I have can surmise.  This feeling is by no means all sentiment.  An Englishman whose word and active cooperation could send a million sterling to any legitimate Southern enterprise said the other day:  “I will not invest a farthing in States where these horrors occur.  I have no particular sympathy with the antilynching committee, but such outrages indicate
Project Gutenberg
The Red Record from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.