Reinierz, 165
Rembrandt van Rhyn, 199 ff., 432
Remonstrants, 129, 132 f., 136 f., 142, 193
Remonstratie, 129
Rene of Lorraine, Duke, 8 f.
Rene of Nassau, 30
Repartitie, 111
Repelaer, envoy, 342
Requesens, 61 f., 64
“Request,” the, 37 f.
Reveil movement, 407
Rewbell, plenipotentiary, 345 f.
Rheims, 32
Rheinberg, 95, 100, 102, 104, 288
Rhetoric, Chambers of, 190 f.
Rhine, the, 59, 62, 82, 102, 119, 149, 288, 291, 293, 358, 361, 368, 371, 379
Rhineland, 40, 49, 58, 139
Ricardot, president of the Privy Council, 107
Richelieu, Cardinal, 142 f., 148 f., 154
Rights of Man, the, 332
Rijks Museum, Amsterdam, 199
Rio de Janeiro, 169
Rio Grande, the, 175
Rio Negro, the, 178
Ripperda, ambassador, 302
Ripperda, Calvinist leader, 55
Robert de la Marck, 13
Rochefoucault, 360
Rochussen, artist, 432
Rochussen, J.J., 415
Rocroi, 155
Roda, 65
Rodney, Admiral, 327, 346
Roell, Jonkheer Johan, 424
Roell, Minister of Foreign Affairs, 358, 380
Roemerswaal, 14, 58
Roeremonde, 53 f., 146, 288, 413
Roeskilde, 230
Rogier, Charles, 393 ff.
Rome, 19, 361, 419
Ronkens, burgomaster, 299
Rooke, Sir George, Admiral, 289
Rotterdam, 12, 59, 83, 90, 98 f., 112, 118, 129, 131.
136 f., 159, 300, 334, 341, 364, 379
Roucoux, 310
Rouille, French agent, 290
Rouppe, burgomaster, 393
Rousseau, 323, 332
Royal Academies of the Arts, 380
Royal African Company, 234
Royal Charles, flag-ship, 243
Royal James, flag-ship, 252
Royal Netherland Institute for Science, Letters and the Fine Arts, 358
Rudolph II, Emperor, 119
Rump Parliament, the, 219
Rupert, Prince, 216, 239-242, 259
Russell, Admiral, 271
Russian trade, 98, 121, 275, 301
Ruysch, Nicholas, 226
Ruysdael, Jacob, 200
Ruyter, Michael Adriansz de, Admiral, 194, 216 ff.,
219 f.,
228 f., 231, 234 f., 237 f., 240 f., 243,
252, 259, 289
Ryswyck, 107, 140, 280; peace of, 280
Saba, 328
Sadowa, 416
Saftingen, 331
Sainte Aldegonde, see Philip de Marnix
Salamanca, 15
Saldanha bay, 346
Sallant, 114
Salmasius, 188
San Francisco fort, 171 f.
San Jorge fort, 171 f.
San Salvador, 167 ff.
San Thome de Guiana, 170