Sec.45. Ne illud quidem: cf. 16. Latere censebat Goer. omitted censebat though in most MSS. Orelli and Klotz followed as usual. For the sense II. 122. Cohibereque: Gk. [Greek: epechein], which we shall have to explain in the Lucullus. Temeritatem ... turpius: for these expressions, see II. 66, note. Praecurrere: as was the case with the dogmatists. Paria momenta: this is undiluted scepticism, and excludes even the possibility of the probabile which Carneades put forward. For the doctrine cf. II. 124, for the expression Euseb. Praep. Evan. XIV. c. 4 (from Numenius) of Arcesilas, [Greek: einai gar panta akatalepta kai tous eis ekatera logous isokrateis allelois], Sextus Adv. Math. IX. 207 [Greek: isostheneis logoi]; in the latter writer the word [Greek: isostheneia] very frequently occurs in the same sense, e g Pyrrhon. Hyp. I. 8 (add N.D. I. 10, rationis momenta)
Sec.46. Platonem: to his works both dogmatists and sceptics appealed, Sextus Pyrrhon. Hyp. I. 221 [Greek: ton Platona oin hoi men dogmatikon ephasan einai, hoi de apo etikon, hoi de kata men ti aporetikon, kata de ti dogmatikon]. Stobaeus II. 6, 4 neatly slips out of the difficulty; [Greek: Platon polyphonos on, ouch hos tines oiontai polydoxos]. Exposuisti: Durand’s necessary em., approved by Krische, Halm, etc. for MSS. exposui. Zenone: see Introd. p. 5.
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1. Mnesarchus: see II. 69, De Or. I. 45, and Dict. Biogr. ‘Antipater’; cf. II. 143, De Off. III. 50. Evidently this fragment belongs to that historical justification of the New Academy with which I suppose Cicero to have concluded the first book.