Psychoanalysis, 26
shows early intimidation from normal sexual
aims, 18, note 17
explains fetichism, 20, note 19
reduces bisexuality to activity and passivity,
reduces symptoms of hysteria, 27
unconscious phantasies revealed by, 29,
note 25
of thumb-sucking, 43
of anal zone, 47
brings forgotten material to consciousness,
of infantile sexuality, 55, note 19
and inquisitiveness of children, 56
and pregenital organizations, 58
and tenderness of sexual life, 61
novelty of, 66
of transference psychoses, 77
gives at present definite information
only about transformations of object-libido, 78
cannot distinguish ego-libido from other
effective energies, 78
shows two paths of object finding, 82,
note 5
shows individual struggle with incest
temptations, 85, note 9
positive perversions accessible to therapy
of, 90, note 12
Psychoneuroses based on sexual motive powers, 26
associated with manifest inversions, 29,
note 26
traces of all perversions in, 30
significance of erogenous zones in, 32
preponderance of special erogenous zones
in, 34
Psychoneurotics, sexual life of, explained only through
psychoanalysis, 26
Sexual Activities of, 27
disease of, appears after puberty, 33
constitution of, tendency to inversions
in, 34
sexuality of preserves infantile character,
Psychosexual hermaphrodites show indifference to which
sex their object belongs, 2
not paralleled by other psychic qualities,
phenomena explained by nature of ego-libido,
development, disturbances of, show incestuous
object selection, 86
Puberty not the time of the beginning of the sexual
impulse, 1; 36
relation of, to inversion, 3
definite sexual behavior not determined
till after, 10, note 11
Transformations of, 68
most striking process of, the growth of
the genitals, 69
Railroad activities, sexual element in, 62
Reaction formation, 40
and sublimation two diverse
processes, 41
feelings of, 41
formation begins in latency period, 95
Reading as source of sexual excitement through fear, 64
Regression appears in sex development of woman, 68
produced by factors injuring sexual development,
Repression of certain powerful components, 94
not a suspension, 95
result of, an almost normal sexual life,
Repression, inner determinations of, unknown, 96
effect of, cannot be made retrogressive,
a special process cutting off conscious
discharge of wishes, 27